And That's The End: PLEASE READ

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Thank you for reading everybody! I'm glad you all stuck with me through this horrible story. (Once again, as the author I am aloud to criticize my writing)

I will write a sequal but it might be a bit before I start posting it.

So in the meantime, ideas for a sequal would be great. Right now I'm thinking about making it mostly focused on Phillip and Little Theo and have some Philidosa, but I need ideas for the main Hamilsquad too because they're still in it.

The main characters from this story will still be there. Except Adams. Hes... missing... and someone else...

I have a few other stories on my account that you can check out if you want while you wait for the sequel. I have:


Most of you probably read that one but this is the description,

Alexander and Laffayette are two very power mystics even at the age of 14. They grew up with the english teacher, Washington and his wife who were also mystics. They never went to school until freshman year, and were shocked when two other freshman came up to them wanting to be friends. Alex and Laf accepted but what happens if their new friends find out they aren't human? What is the cost of wanting to be normal?


The Lovely Silence:

Alexander Hamilton was born mute. After a while he started to lose hope of anyone ever loving him because he can't talk. However that quickly changes when he meets John Laurens.

John Laurens was born deaf. He fiqured no one would ever care for him because they wouldn't be able to talk to him. Of course, that isn't a problem for Alexander Hamilton.

The two meet in the dorms of Kings College, quickly falling for eachother. Will one of them work up the nerve to ask the other out? Or will someone else do it for them?


Home Away From Home:

Multi-Musical Summercamp AU!

The characters from a few different shows all go to a summer camp. Some are excited, some not so much. Some know each other from school, so everyone already has friends. (All different shows go to a different high school)

Hamilton, Heathers, In The Heights, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, and Newsies


Love To The Third Power:

Elams Soulmate AU

Basically just like anyother soulmate au. Thats one is kinda basic but I like what I've written so far.


I also have a story call The Opposite Rebirth but I don't recommend that one. What happens in the description never actually happens because I gave Alexis (Alex) health problems and steered far away from the plot and discontinued it. However there IS a rewrite in process.

There is also a Hamilton oneshots Book where requests are OPEN and a roleplay called Micheals Instagram (Roleplay) for Be More Chill. The Oneshots version on Micheals Instagram is based off conversations in the comments.


I also have a second account AngelicBiotch where I write original stories. Right now I'm working on one based off a few writers promts I found.

Frozen In Time:

Isabella meets a beautiful girl named Athena at the local coffee shop and immediately falls head over heels for her.

After small conversation they exchange numbers. Both think that they will never see eachother again but the do soon.

Both girls hide their feelings from one another and eventually the universe gets sick of it.

The two need to come to terms with the fact they like eachother or deal with everyone else being frozen in place forever.


Hope to see you at any of those. Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting on this story it really does mean a lot.

I hope to see you in any of those stories and/or the sequel. Byyeeeee!!

- Heaven

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