Chapter 10

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John POV

Alex passed out after the fight. As did Angelica, George, Jefferson, Reynolds, Samuel, and Naomi. Basically the people that were told to stop fighting. The quidditch players.

"I told them to stop," Madam Promfrey complains.

"When have Slytherins ever listened?" Another teacher hisses.

"They actually listen quite well. They wouldn't have done it if they didn't have a reason to," The couch claims.

"What could their reason have been?" I ask.

"Threat," Burr mumbles.


"Threat Herc. He said threat," I respond.

"The intruder?" Laf asks.

"No not the intruder," Burr continues.

"Who then?"

"I... I can't tell you..." Burr whispers and he runs up to his room.

"That's weird..." Eliza says.

We agree with her and walk out of the Slytherin dorms. The players were brought to the nurses office. 

Eliza gets to her room first since Hufflepuff dorms aren't far from the Slytherin dorms. They're also in the basement but by the kitchen. The rest of us make our ways up to the Gryffindor tower.

Alex POV

I woke up to sun shining in my face. Wait... Theres not windows in the dorms? I quickly noticed i was in the nurses office when Adams ran in throwing a hissy-fit. 

"Passing out twice in one day?" He sneers, "You're all making Slytherins look weak!"

"Actually the first time sir we were knocked out," George said quickly, so Adams wouldn't interrupt him.

He continues to lecture us until it's time to go to breakfast. Luckily its Sunday so we have a free day.

Angie and I make our way to the great hall together and meet with our friends, today at Hufflepuff table. Richard is also sitting with them today.

Angie and I sit by them.

"Hey! Are you guys okay?" John asks as we sit down. We both nod.

"Better than yesterday," I laugh. Angelica agrees.

We eat in silence except for the occasional small talk. We agree to go hang out by the lake for the day. Its peaceful there, and if we're lucky, Adams free.

We finish eating and make our way to the lake. There are a few other kids by the lake but not many as it isn't a popular hang out spot.


Thank you Madame_Qtip and qARandomAccountp for all the support. It means a lot. Anyway I'll see you guys Friday. Au revoir mes anges!

- Heaven

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