Chapter 20

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Alex POV
A Few Days Later

Not a lot has happened in the past few days. Demi (the demiguise) still hasn't been found. King, Angie, and I are up 24/7. We either have quidditch practice, classes, or homework and when we aren't doing of of those we look for Demi.

Right now its quidditch practice. The three of us thirdly trudge our way to the field.

"If you three don't take a break your going to die from exhaustion," Jefferson says worriedly.

"Good," The three of us state.

"Seriously guys. You three can sit this practice out but please get some rest," Reynolds pleads.

"No we can't. You know what happens if we try to," King says.

"Guys please. We can cover for you, but we don't want you to pass out. We miss Demi too, and we know you three are closest with her but-" Naomi starts. Whatever she said after that I missed since the world went black and silent. [Almost as black as my soul for writing all the AnGsT in my stories]

John POV

James, Pegs, Laf, Herc and I were working together on homework in the Slytherin dorms. Alex wasn't here since he had quidditch practice, and honestly hes worrying me. I haven't seen him sleep since the Demiguise went missing.

James said he didn't sleep much before that but I'm pretty sure he at least got an hour of sleep, whether that be in a week or a night I don't know but you get my point.

Jefferson comes through the door into the dorms. Samuel is right behind him. "Hamilton, Schuyler. You three come here please. Its important."

"What happened?" James questioned.

"I'll tell you on the way," He responds.

Peggy and James follow Jefferson and Samuel out the dorms.

James POV (Oh... That's New...)

I follow Jefferson and Seabury where ever they are going.

Jefferson explains that Angelica, Alex, and King passed out on the quidditch field. Probably because the three are over working themselves.

Maybe Johns right. Maybe before this Alex was getting a bit of sleep. Even if he was, he sure ain't now.

Why do you do this to yourself Alex?

Peggy POV (Hey that's also new!)

As Thomas explains what happened I feel fear bubble up inside me.

What if shes hurt?

What if shes dying?

What if shes dead?

No she can't be... right?

"Hey did you get Eliza?" I ask.

"She met us when we were bringing them to the nurse. Shes already there," Seabury responds. I nod as I try to hold back the tears that want to so desperately fall down my face.

I have to be strong. For Angie and Lizzy.

Samuel POV (So... Getting all the feelings today...)

I, along with Thomas, lead the way to the nurse's office. Why would they do this? Why would George do this?

I know he loved Demi, I know Demi was one of the few things that helped make him feel important. I can't imagine what the three are going through with her missing. They're practically her parents, as awkward as that sounds.

The three of them have taken care of her for 3 years.

Shes never run off like this. Now Alex, Angie, and George are overworking themselves to get her back.

I need you to be okay George. For your family. For your friends. For me.

I love you George.


Thats right, kingbury. I don't get much into it but I wanted to add it.

On Monday (the next update day for this book) I will also be posting a mute alex AU thaf isn't like most.

Instead Alex is permanently mute and John is deaf.

They date in the story!!

Hope you see you there.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Au revoir mes anges.

- Heaven

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