Chapter 1

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I was out of breath, running as fast as I could beside my friends Lafayette and Hercules. I could tell I couldn't run much longer, but I cant take another beating, not from a classmate.

"COME ON MON AMI!" Laf shouts.

"YOU GOT THIS MAN!" Herc yells a little bit ahead. Easy for you to say your the athletic one.

We keep running until we hear a loud thud from behind us. We stopped in our tracks terrified about what just happened. Are we next?

We turn to see Jefferson lying on the floor with another Slytherin standing above him. He looked around our age and he was pretty cute. He had deep blue eyes and long red hair pulled back into a ponytail.

I looked at my friends ashamed that three 3rd year gryffindors just got saved by a Slytherin they however seemed to just be obliviously staring. Weirdos.


"Dammit Thomas I thought we talked about this," I said after Jefferson fell and the three Gryffindors looked back at what happened.

"W-what did you do to him?" The freckled one asked.

"Nothing serious," he'll be okay by dinner, maybe," I mumbled the last part.

"Hey your a third year right?" The loud one ask with a hint of recognition on his face.

"Aren't you the seeker for the Slytherin team?" The guy with a strong french accent ask.

"Yes, I am in my third year and I also am Seeker for the Slytherins," I respond kind of nervous that they know who I am.

"Cool! We play quidditch too!" The loud kid yells, " Hercules Mulligan."

"John Laurens," the freckled kid says.

"Je m'appelle Lafayette," the french kid adds.

"Nice to meet you guys. Je m'appelle Alexander Hamilton," I say holding out my hand.

"You speak french?" John asks as Lafayette stands there happily.

"Yeah I speak it fluently, is that a problem?" I respond.

"Non we just didn't know anyone else spoke it," Lafayette responds.

"Well that's cool I guess, anyway, I better get Jeffershit here back to the dorms. See you guys later," I respond as I grab Thomas by the ankle. You would expect him to be heavier since hes so big headed.

Not gonna lie those three are kind of weird. I'll have to ask James about them later.


Okay so this story will probably be updated every other day but I'm posting this chapter the day after the meet the characters one because that wasn't a real chapter just an introduction type thing. So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story. See you all in a couple days!! Au revoir mes anges!!

- Heaven

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