Chapter 19

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Alex POV

"So... I guess we are going to be sleeping here for a while..." John says.

"Guess so..." I respond.

"Yeah..." Herc mumbles. We fall into an awkward silence considering the fact that they were just told of a pretty dangerous beast wondering the halls somewhere. That is until someone speaks up.

"Why would you keep a murderous beast in your dorms?!" A Gryffindor yells.

"She isn't dangerous! She doesn't eat meat why would she kill you!" Angie yells.

"No but she can get pissy. Only Angelica, Hamilton, and King can calm her down,"

"She hurt you once let it go!" I shout, "It wasn't even that bad!"

"Okay that thing is wondering in the halls somewhere and only three students can quote on quote 'tame' it. Those said three students are currently standing in the dorm and not helping what so ever. Mind explaining?" The same Gryffindor from earlier hisses.

"Its a female. Respect her pronouns!" King yells. [This hits hard for me. No one respects my pronouns 😔]

"Its a beast that has been released in the school! It ain't gonna get any respect!" The Gryffindor shouts.

"Get some sleep!" Adams yells, "You might not all be Slytherins but you are in our dorms so you will be treated as such! If you don't understand what that means asks the Slytherins! You have five minutes!"

The Slytherins race to their rooms not dealing with that man's anger issues. Certain Gryffindors follow certain Slytherins. James, Herc, Laf, and John follow me, while Peggy follows Angie.

"What did he mean we will be treated like Slytherins?" Laf asks as we get into my room.

"Okay so I only know how to explain this one way but it will only make sense to James. He can explain it to you," I say. James nods curiously.

"You know how father was?" I begin, James nods, "Adams is almost five times worse."

"That's possible?" He questions, shocked. I nod and he explains how horrible that makes him.

Eventually we all fall asleep.

In the morning Adams blows the air horns and it freaks out my friends and brother to no end.

"I thought you all knew about that?" I laugh.

"We didn't think you were serious!" James yells.

I shrug, "Unless you want him to do it again you better hurry up and get ready."

They quickly do and we meet up with Peggy and Angie in the living area that was cleaned up last night.

"What was the noise for?!" Peggs asks, still somehow half asleep.

"Adams is an ass," I whisper loud enough so only my friends hear.

"Speaking of which we need to leave before he does it again," Angie responds. I nod and we all walk to the great hall.


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- Heaven

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