Chapter 25

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Keep in mind, I have writers block so there is a lot of rambling. So in conclusion, this chapter, along with the rest of my story, sucks.

Alex POV

After breakfast we all make our way to the field. Herc, Laf, and John all look super nervous. I can tell why.

"Why so nervous?" Angie teases on our way to the feild.

"You guys are better than some professional teams. We have every right to be worried Angelica," Laf mumbles.

"You say that like we want to be..." I mutter. Angelica looks towards the ground.

"What? You don't want to be as good as you are? Alex thats crazy talk," John laughs.

"No. We want to play for fun, not competition," Angelica says.

After that, the group falls into silence and we dispirse to our separate locker rooms.

Everyone was already ready so I don't really understand why we have locker rooms. Kinda unneccessary but whatever.

[Writers block rambling]

After a few minutes we leave the locker rooms so the game to start. [Nah. Y'all gonna play in the locker room. Jesus this story sucks]

We get in starting positions while the coach gives her spiel. No one is listening. We know it by heart already.

Then the game starts.

~Time Skip because I'm to lazy to write out a quidditch game~

We won. Although I don't really know what was expected. After all we kind of have to win since Adams is still here. [Help. I can't find a way to get rid of Adams]

We all change back into casual clothes and make our way to the lake.

"We were so close too," John says, "Right Alex?"

"Hm?" I ask since I wasn't exactly listening.

"Gryffindors almost won," Laf says as he trys to hold back laughter.

"Yeah but you lost so don't get to excited," I laugh.

"Hey. We will win next time," Herc adds, also laughing.

"Yeah. Whatever you want to belive Herc," Angie laughs.


And with that I'm ending this short chapter. Sorry for the rambling and how sucky this chapter, well the book in general, is. I don't know how you guys are still reading.

Also, updating kinda early today because I get to see my best friend for the first time in months.

Hella fucking excited.

- Heaven

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