Chapter 27

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Honestly this book is ending soon. I tend to end my stories around 30 chapters and theres other things I want to work on.

Alex POV

A few weeks later and Adams still hasn't made an appearance.

Demi had her babies.

John and I are getting oddly close.

And everything is overall peaceful.

Of course, that could be because the school year is ending soon. It ends in a few days. That means that it couldn't be peaceful for long. And not only because finals are coming up soon.

Nope something much worse is coming.

Much much worse.

And now of all times.

Would have been worse if Adams was still here though. One more reason to be glad he isn't.

Pile that up with thousands of others.

I invited James over to my dorm. Thats for the sole purpose of I don't want to be alone and I don't want to look like a coward in front of any of my friends.

He agreed since he also knows whats coming.

Honestly I hate my life.

Why is it always me?

James got to my dorm and closed the door just as it started.

Once he hears it he slides down the wall onto the floor and falls into a fetal position. [Did I explain that right? Do you know what I mean by that?]

I do the same from the comfort of my bed.

Eventually I'm huddled into a corner if my room as I rock back and fourth trying to calm myself down. James is on the other side of the room.

[Please tell me you know whats happening or am I just rambling nonsense?]

A loud boom of thunder is heard from outside. So loud that it echoed through the entire basement, making it extremely loud in my room where I'm trying to hide from it.

[If it wasn't clear before now it is. Storm chapter. Kinda. I'vewritten better storm chapters.]

The storm continues loudly outside for a few hours.

Luckily I'm not awake through the whole thing since I eventually passed out.

John POV
==During the storm==

"Hey, has anyone seen James?" I ask.

Everyone either responds with a 'no' or ignores my question.

Where is he?

Of course, I'm not completely surprised that he just kinda disappeared. He does every once and a while. Yet he never tells anyone where he went.

I'm not going to dig so much into it. Its none of my business. If he wants to tell me he'll tell me.

Hes probably just with Alex anyway.

Maybe Alex would tell me?


Okay I'm actually seeing my friend today so... early update! Enjoy!

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