Chapter 28

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Alex POV

"Hey Alex?" John calls as I walk to my next class. I stop and wait for him to catch up.

"Yeah?" I ask once he catches up.

"I was wondering if you knew where James was last night. I figured he was with you," John responds.

"Uh... Yeah. He was," I stutter. I don't want to tell John about the storm. I can't. It will make both me and James look like a coward and I can't do that.

"What were you guys doing?"


"Uh... Homework?" I mutter, though is came out as more of a question.

"Okay...?" He mumbles. I can tell he doesn't believe me.

Before he can ask any more questions I quickly make my way to my next class.

John POV

Alex raced away.

Okay. That was weird.

Wonder what has him so freaked out.

I start walking to my next class as questions spin through my head.

What were they doing? Why won't Alex tell me? Are they okay? Did I do something wrong? Did they do something wrong? What are they hiding?

All these, and more, questions spin through my head as class goes on. I'm not paying the slightest attention to what the teacher is saying and that quickly backfires when the teacher asks me a question.

"Huh? What?" I ask.

The teacher sighs, "I'll let you off the hook this time Mr. Laurens but only because you are usally a good student. However I need to see you after class."

Then she calls on someone else who answers the question.

==Time Skip==

"Mr. Laurens would you like to explain why you weren't paying attention. This isn't like you," The teacher starts.

"Sorry Ma'am, I'm worried about my friends. They have seen a bit off recently and I was focused on that," I respond.

"I will let you go with a warning this time Mr. Laurens but next time this happens it will be detention," The teacher sighs.

"Yes ma'am," after that I head to the great hall for lunch.

==After School==

After the school day ended I made my way to the dorms. James had some prefect duty to attend to so it was the perfect time to talk to Peggy, Laf, and Herc about the whole James and Alex situation.

Angie and Eliza were here too since they were hanging out with Peggy.

"Hey John. Ever figure out where James was last night?" Herc asks as I walk into the dorm.

"No. Thats what I wanted to talk about. I think we should try asking Washington," I respond.

"Why Washington?" Angie questions.

"Because he practically adopted Alex and James."

"How do you know this?" Peggy inquires.

"I think the real question mon ami, is how do you not know this?" Lafayette responds.

"Lets just ask him," Herc sighs.

After that we start walking to the headmasters office.

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