Chapter 22

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Alex POV

At dinner King, Angie, and I snuck more food out and quickly went to the dorm before anyone else. This has been going on for a few days. We lock the den and feed Demi. We hear everyone else come into the dorm. Great now we have to wait for them to go to bed.

We wait it out and eventually everyone goes to the bedrooms. King slowly opens the door, and when he doesn't see anyone there we retreat to our rooms.

When I get to my room James and my friends are waiting there for me, and not in fact, sleeping like we thought they would be.

"We want to know why we hardly see you before and after school Alex. What are you doing?" James starts.

"I-I can't tell you," I stutter.

"Maybe Angie or King will spill. They're being interrogated too," Herc says.

We all walk out of my room and into the livingroom. In there stands Angie, King, Seabury, and Peggy.

"Okay. Now we are asking all three of you. Where have you been?" Peggy inquires. She sounds upset. I don't want on her bad side if shes upset. However I agreed not to tell anyone.

John raises an eyebrow when none of us respond and he walks towards the den. He starts shaking the door and Angie snaps.

"No don't! You'll upset her!" She yells. John walks back to the group, satisfied that he got an answer.

"When did she come back?" James asks.

"A few days ago," I mumble.

"And you didn't tell anyone?" Seabury asks.

"No. We didn't," King mutters.

"Why?" Laf inquires.

"Because we don't want them to be killed," I whisper.

"Them?" James eyes opens wide.

"Shes having kids James," Angie says, slightly rasing her voice.

"She left because she was trying to find more food," King adds.

"How many?" John asks.

"Three," I say.

Our conversation is cut short when an Adams comes running in.

"What are you doing still up!?" He yells.

"S-sir w-we... uh..." King starts.

"Shut it!" Adams shouts.

"No! You asked a question hes trying to give you an answer!" Amgie yells. Samuel, King and I look towards her. That was a mistake Angie.

"Excuse me?!" Adams is steaming. Angie, King, Seabury and I try to run. He stops us. John, Herc, Laf, Peggy and James don't understand whats happening.

"Well. When you ask a question and we go to answer you shush us. Why do you do that Adams? Scared of the answer?" Angelica shouts.

"Angelica shut up," I mumble.

Guess now our friends get to see whats Adams is actually like.


Hope you guys enjoyed. To be honest the amount of veiws is making me think that quarantine has made everyone crazy enough to read this but thank you. Au revoir mes anges.

- Heaven

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