Chapter 15

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Alex POV

The next couple weeks proceeded as normal and the players healed. The headmaster found out what was wrong with the balls. They were enchanted to attack the players until someone announced game over.

No one knows who did it or why. [Except Moi. But I have two people I think it can be. Feel free to ask in the comments because I don't think I ever get back to this]

Today is Saturday and the rematch day. The Ravenclaw Vs. Slytherin game is after breakfast and I think it's safe to say, no one from either team is excited for it.

I made my way down for breakfast with Angie, both of us in quidditch robes. Like usual we made it there before anyone else with Hufflepuffs close behind.

Angie, Eliza and I waited for our friends to show up for breakfast and soon they did.

"You ready for the game?" John asks as he sits down and puts a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Not in the slightest," I mumble as I pick at the food on my plate. Angelica doesn't respond but I can tell she feels the same way.

Washington announces teams to the field and the 14 players reluctantly listen. This is going to be fun.

John POV

As the players leave I turn towards my friends, "You don't think that's going to happen again do you?"

"Let's hope not. I hate seeing Alex that way," James responds.

"Pegs and I feel the same way about Angie," Eliza adds. Peggy nods.

"I keep forgetting you had to see your siblings hurt instead of just your friends," Laf mumbles, "I'm sorry."

"Its okay," James responds, "Sometimes it's hard to remember how other people see the situation you experience."

The game starts soon so we all got up and headed to the field for the rematch game. Hopefully it goes better this time then it did last time.

After The Game

This time it went a lot better. Slytherin team won with the score being 200 to 40. Of course that isn't super surprising with how poorly Ravenclaw team plays.

"Good job you guys!" Herc yells as Angie and Alex walk out of the Slytherin Changing rooms. Now they are wearing casual clothes instead of quidditch robes.

"Thanks," Angie responds. Alex smiles.

We all start heading to the great hall for lunch. The rest of the day goes by pretty normally. It was a really good day.

Alex POV

Today was a horrible day. Yes we won the quidditch match but we didn't even want to play!

We were forced to play a game and we were forced to win. And then when we go back to the dorms after dinner Adams starts yelling stuff like "This is why you don't quit!" When it's his fault we quit in the first place!

Adams gets on my nerves and hopefully one day karma kicks his ass to hell.


If karma doesn't I will. [I guess I'm karma in this situation though huh.]

Okay I want to make a small but important announcement.

1) Happy Pride Month!!
2) On the topic of pride momth and with everyone probably knowing about pridefall, a great place to get information on it is Pride-Rise (Yes if any of the other admins see this I did tag the account because I'm pretty sure anyome reading this and not following me is to lazy to go to my account to follow it)

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Au revoir mes anges!! <3

- Heaven

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