Chapter 29

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John POV

We all made our way to Washingtons office where he was peacefully reading a book. Well, he was until we all bardged in.

He sighs, "Can I help you?"

"Sorry sir, we we're wondering if you knew where James and Alex were last night. We figured if anyone knew you would considering you like adopted them," I explain.

"I do know but that isn't my secret to tell. Sorry," He replies.

Then he opens his book and kinda shoes us off. I don't blame him though. He probably just wants some free time to himself before going back home.

We walked back out of his office upset that we didn't get what we wanted. But I guess we will find out eventually if its so important.

We all head back to our dorms so we can pack up before leaving for summer break.

Its hard to believe this year is already over. It feels like it just begun.

Alex POV

I want to tell John and the others about where we were but I can't. Somethings have to stay secret and hopefully they can respect that.

I finish packing up my stuff and walk out of my room to see Demi and the babies.

Its Kings turn to take Demi, and now her kids, home for the summer. In a few years the responsibility will be all on me. Then, on others when Angie, King and I all leave.

When you think about it, its really not a long time before we all leave. Soon Hogwarts will be just a memory for all of us and an adventure for the next generations.

But enough of this sad stuff. Schools ending but we all come back in a few months. And nothing is stopping us all from seeing eachother in the summer.

Granted none of us are really close to eachother in homes.

James and I are with Washington in Virginia. John is in South Carolina. The Schuylers are in New York. Hercs in Ireland and Laf is in France.

Yeah we really don't live close to eachother.

Maybe we could get plane tickets and fly to see eachother. There are probably a few other ways too.

[Non-Magic ways. They aren't old enough to preform magic outside of Hogwarts yet]

But even through all of these possibilities, it still feels weird knowing I won't get to see them everyday.

At the beginning of this year I didn't have anyfriends and now I have a bunch of really close ones.

Its crazy how time chages things.

After hanging out with Demi, King, and Angie for a bit we all make our way to the great hall for lunch.

Tomorrow we get on the train to go back home.


Sorry for the late update its fonna be like this for a couple days.

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