Chapter 5

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Alex POV

I'm just working peacefully in my room until a few gryffindors break in. My brother, John Herc, and Laf break in to be exact. Why, I don't know. I honestly thought they'd be sleeping by now.

"Shouldn't you guys be sleeping?" I ask, "And in your dorms?"

"We could ask you the same thing Alex," John responds.

"No you cant I'm in my dorm," I respond with a smirk, turning back to my work. [Ha that rhymed. Sorry...]

"I meant the other question you dumb ass," John hisses.

"I have a test on Monday, " I respond bitterly.

"That you already know you will pass Alex," James says matter-of-factually.

"Why are you here anyway?" I ask.

"To make you sleep," Herc responds.


Suddenly the four of them, not that they all needed to I'm pretty light, start picking me up and throw me on my bed.

I try to get back up by they pin me down.

"Guys I'm not tired," I whine.

"Bullshit. You haven't slept in a week Alex. Also, you have a quidditch game tomorrow, you need to sleep," James says.

"No I don't I'll be fine!" I yell throwing them off me. I go to sit back at my desk.

James picks me up and puts me back on my bed. John, Laf and Herc dog-pile on top of me.

The room falls into silence and I eventually, no matter how much I don't want it to, sleep over takes me.

John POV

After Alex fell asleep we all went back to the Gryffindor dorms. Now its morning we are heading to breakfast.

Unlike at dinner, Slytherins get to breakfast first. Apparently they are woken up super early by Mr. Adams, the Slytherin head teacher. Especially on game days.

The quidditch game is not long after breakfast so the Slytherin and Ravenclaw teams are already in their quidditch robes. Knowing that it wasn't difficult for James, Herc, Laf and I to find Alex at the Slytherin table.

Once we see him we walk over and sit by him.

"So how did you sleep?" I ask with a smirk as I grab some pancakes.

"I hate you all," Alex responds bitterly and sleepily.

"Why do you sound more tired after sleeping then you do when you havent slept in a week?" Laf asks.

"Because when I do sleep I wake up to Mr. Adams blowing air horns around the dorms to wake everyone up," he responds.

"Why?" Herc asks.

"So we don't over sleep," Alex responds with a yawn.

Our conversation is cut short when Mr. Washington, the headmaster, announces for all Slytherin and Ravenclaw quidditch players to make they're way to the feild for the game.

"Well that's my cue," Alex says standing up, "See you after the game."

With that he leaves, making his way to the field.

We see a flurry of Green and Blue robes exiting the grand hall.


Okay so the next chapter is game day and honestly kinda angsty so you have been warned. The next chapter will be posted monday. I hope you enjoyed. Also if you see a random bolded dash ( - ) in the middle of the story, that's a note for me not a time skip. Just ignore that. Au revoir mes anges!

- Heaven

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