Chapter 24

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Alex POV

Adams acted eerily calm the next couple days. However, that all ended once the Gryffindors were able to move back into their dorms.

[Ha. Y'all thought it was gonna continue from last chapter]

Obviously, the Slytherins knew what he was doing but we were in no way prepared for what came when the others left.

Today is the first day the Gryffindors get to go back. After dinner they went back to their tower and the Slytherins went back to our dorm as well, unprepared for what came next.

As soon as we were all back in our dorm, Adams allowed himself to snap.

"Which. One. Of. You. Snitched?" He asks in a warning tone.

"None of us did sir," King mumbles.

"You think I'm supposed to believe that? I want to know. Which one of yoh did it?" Adams sneers.

"Sir, none of us told anyone," Angelica trys to reason. Key word: trys.

"Who else could it have been?" Adams voice is getting louder and louder.

For a while we all try to tell him that it wasn't us. He doesn't believe us one bit. Eventually spells start flying and we all end up with some sort of scar.

None of us fell asleep on our own that night.

John POV

Adams was acting calm after what happened in the great hall a few days ago. Honestly that worries me. Pegs, Herc, Laf, James and I walk to the tower for the first time in weeks.

I missed it, but at the same time I'm worried about whats going to happen now that we aren't in the Slytherin dorms. I can tell everyone else is too.

"What do you think happens now?" Herc asks as we sit down in the living area.

"With the Slytherins?" James asks.

"Yeah," Herc says.

"Hopefully nothing to bad. We have a quidditch game versus them tomorrow," I fake laugh as I try to lighten the mood.

"You say that like they'd ever go easy on us," Lafayette smiles.

"If they did they would probably get in more trouble," Peggy states.

The mood has no longer been lightened thanks to Peggys remark.

"If they are in trouble its our fault," James mumbles.

"Then lets hope they aren't," I say. Then me, Herc, and Laf make our way to our rooms. We have a big game tomorrow after all.

The Next Day (Won't let me center)

Herc, Laf and I make out way down to the living area in quidditch robes. Peggy and James are there waiting.

We all silently walk down to the great hall where Eliza, Angie, and Alex are waiting. Alex and Angie are in their quidditch robes too.

Something about Angie and Alex look different but I can't quite pinpoint what it is.

[For the sake of the story lets just say the Gryffindor v Hufflepuff game was already played and Gryffindor won]

"Can you go slightly easy?" Herc questions. I can tell hes worried.

"Not a chance," Alex responds.


Reeeeee. Hope you guys enjoyed.

Because I didn't!

- Heaven

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