Chapter 6

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Alex POV

I made my way to the quidditch field alone with the rest on my team and the Ravenclaw team.

The Ravenclaw teams isn't really good so I'm not super worried. The bad thing is the Ravenclaws got a new seeker since their old one left last year. This is my second year playing.

We all got our broomsticks and got ready for the game as everyone else, non-players and teachers, flooded the stands.

The quidditch coach walked to the center of the field with the chest filled with the quaffle, buggers, and the golden snitch.

The players mount their broomsticks and fly into starting game position. [If you've seen Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone you know what I'm talking about]

The couch gives her speech and the game begins.


The couch talked about something, no one listens to her though we are all here for the game, and the game begins.

The seekers, Alex and a Ravenclaw named Nathan, immediately started quickly flying around the field looking for the snitch. Angelica, Samuel, and a girl named Naomi, the Slytherin chasers, toss the quaffle back and fourth between them towards the ravenclaw hoops, while George King, the keeper and captain, defends the Slytherin hoops. James Reynolds and Jefferson, the Slytherin beaters, hit the buggers around, usually towards ravenclaw players. Slytherin team doesn't mess around and I'm worried for when we play against them.

On ravenclaws team, Nathan, the seeker, is chasing after the snitch behind Alex. That is until it speeds in a different direction and they both lose it. Alex quickly finds it again. The chasers Christine, Jeremy, and Micheal are trying to get the quaffle from Slytherin team but to no avail. The keeper, Veronica, is doing a poor job of guarding the hoops. The beaters, Nina and Vanessa keep getting hit by bludgers since Jefferson and Reynolds keep hitting them towards them. They aren't doing to well.

"The seekers are close to the snitch," the commentary says, "Oh what are they doing now? The seekers are quickly turning away from the snitch."

"What are they doing?" I ask. James shakes his head.

"The quaffle is quickly thrown towards Slytherin hoops going through along with the now unconscious keeper for Slytherin team. Now's your chance ravenclaws," the commentary laughs. Sure enough George has been injured and now lies unconscious on the ground.

The commentary continues, "The chasers have dropped the quaffle and none have gone to grab it."

"What is happening?" Herc says. No one answers.

"The beaters can't deflect the bludgers and their bats are broken. They are picking players off one by one. How is this game going to play out?" The commentary asks with pep.

Lightning comes from the golden snitch and hits Alex and Nathan, who both fall off their brooms.

"Seekers down, what is happening?" The commentary says.

The bludgers takes out the rest of the players on both teams.

"The game is over!" Mr. Washington, yells into the microphone, "We will do a rematch once we figure out the problem and all the players are healed."

"ALEX!" James yells and makes his way to the field. We follow him close behind.

Please be okay.


I honestly don't know why I didn't write just a normal game but I write angst so that's probably why. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. AU revoir mes anges!

- Heaven

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