Chapter 7

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A/N This book sucks why are y'all enjoying it, wth?

John POV

Both teams are taken off the field on stretchers. All 14 players are unconscious. Friends and Family of the players have joined down by where the players are being brought to the nurse following closely behind.

That is until we get to the nurse and she only lets in the teachers while she works.

"This is stupid! I want to see that my sister is okay!" Eliza, a third year Hufflepuff yells. She is with her first year Gryffindor sister, Peggy. Both are sisters of Angelica. The three of them are nice. We are pretty close friends.

After about half an hour, with everyone still waiting outside, the nurse comes out and says we can come visit our friends and family. But we have to be quiet.

We walk in and see the 14 injured players seem to have just woken up. James, Herc, Laf and I rush to Alex's side.

"How are you feeling?" James asks.

"My head hurts..." Alex responds hoarsely.

"I can imagine you hit your head pretty hard," I laugh.

"What happened?"

"We don't know. The balls just started attacking the players," Herc says.

"There wasn't a bludger near me?" He says in more of a questionative tone.

"The snitch got the seekers while the bludgers got everyone else. The chasers dropped the quaffle and didn't try to get it back so I imagine the quaffle did what the snitch did on a smaller scale," Laf explains.

"Makes sense. Sorta..." Alex whispers, more to himself than to anyone else.

"The couch and headmaster are trying to figure out what happened. They say there will be a rematch between the two teams once the solve the problem," James says.

"I don't know if I want to play again," Alex mumbles.

"I don't care if you don't want to play again! There will be a rematch and the Slytherin team will win or there will be consequences!" Mr. Adams yells. The teams wince at the sudden yelling.

"You will win! Whatever it takes!" He continues yelling.

"But sir-" Angelica starts.

"No," Adams cuts her off.

"Sir we don't-" George tries. Hes cut off by Adams like Angelica was.

"Sir it isn't-" Alex continues. Adams once again cuts one of his students off. They all stop trying.

"You will have a rematch. You will win. And you will continue the season. You will win the season. Do you understand?!" Adams yells.

"Yes sir..." the Slytherin teams responds. And Adams leaves.

"You all may leave now," the nurse says.

The Ravenclaw team gets right up and leaves. The Slytherin team hesitates.

"I'll see you guys at dinner," Alex mumbles and the Slytherin teams leaves.


See! They're fine! Anyway this was kinda a filler chapter but I think that's just a nice way to tell myself it was boring. I hope you enjoyed. Au revoir mes anges!

- Heaven

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