Chapter 13

190 11 14

Alex POV

One again after dinner Angie and I unwillingly walk back to the dorms. After Adams reaction to us deciding to end out season we all knew there was a lecture coming. It always does. Especially when we do something Adams wouldn't approve of. Like ending our season without telling him.

This isn't going to end well.

"Why did you end your season?!" Adams asks sounding eerily calm. Why is he so calm about this? He isn't hes trying to give us false hope.

"Because we weren't having fun playing sir," King mumbles.

"I don't care if you weren't having fun! The point is to win!" Adams yells.

"No, the point of the game is to have fun," I sneer. I'm sick of him treating us like this.

"Not for Slytherins!"

The team all walks off to their rooms, tired of Adams lecture. We heard all this before. Yes the problem with probably be worse tomorrow but honestly it needs to stop.

Once again I fall asleep against me will.


In the morning I quickly get up and get ready for the day ahead of me. This is gonna suck.

I meet Angelica, and the rest of the Slytherin team, in the living area and we walk down to the great hall together.

Once we get there we quickly disperse to our separate friend groups.

Mine and Angie's friends look worried and frankly, I dont blame them.

"Are you guys okay?" John asks seeing blank expressions on mine and Angie's faces. We both just nod, once again not having much of an appetite.

And once again they try to force us to eat. Just like last time, we don't.

Adams walks into the room. That's when he says something completely stupid, "Slytherin team has decided that they will continue their season."

Of course we never agreed to this but no one said anything. All of us were very upset at his lies but no one spoke up, it's best not to.

"Is this true?" Washington asks, "I thought you didn't want to continue until next semester."

"We don't but if Mr. Adams is going to spread lies we might as well," George responds sadly. The rest of us agree no matter how much we don't want to and walk out of the great hall. But before we do we see a mischievous grin on Adams face.

It's all his fault.


Okay so two things:

1) did yall miss this cover? I had to change it back because my account is "to dark" for my parents and thats apperently why I'm staying up late writing (When in actuality I have insomnia)

2) I was going to end the quidditch season and then I had legit no where to go with the story and changed my mind half way through the chapter and I was to lazy to rewrite. (Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin rematch chapter 15)

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! See yall Friday. Au revoir mes anges!!

- Heaven/Micheal/Hamilton 😄

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