Chapter 21

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Alex POV

I woke up to see my brother sitting by me. Wheres everyone else? James looks over and sees that I'm awake. On the other side of me I hear who I can only assume to be Angie and King wake up.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You, Angie, and King over worked yourselves. You passed out at quidditch practice. Jefferson and Seabury came to get me and Peggy at the dorms," James responds, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I whisper.

Madamn Pomfrey says that now that we are awake we can go back to the dorms. James helps me up and helps me there. Peggy and Eliza hold up Angie while Samuel does the same for King.

We walk into the dorms where people automatically start asking what happened. None of us respond and go to our rooms. I quickly fall asleep, missing dinner.

I wake up to a loud crash coming from the living room. I get up and make my way in there, cafeful not to wake up the sleeping John, Herc, Laf, and James. I see Angie and King made their way into the living room too.

When we get in there we see what we've been lookimg for. Demi came back. We lead her back to the den and walk in with her before closing the door.

We all sit down in the dorm and feed Demi, assuming that she hasn't been eating. Demi looks around, to see if anyone else was in there. When she noticed it was just the three of us she uncovers a pile she had in the den.

There lay three eggs. Oh my god. She ran away because she was getting more food for her babies.

"Oh my god we're gonna be grandparents," King laughs.

"Im 13. I refuse to be a grandparent," I respond.

"Godparents?" Angie says. We all agree to that. Even Demi who rolls the eggs towards us and lays down. We stay awake with her for the rest of the night.

In, what we assume to be the morning, Adams blows the air horns but we don't leave the den. Outside we hear James, John, Herc, Laf, Peggy, and Samuel looking for us. None of us leave.

Eventually they agree to leave without us and we leave the den to get ready for breakfast. We all make our way to the great hall. We all walk over to mine and Angies friends because Samuel decided to sit with them today.

"There you guys are. We couldn't find you this morning," James says as we sit down.

"Sorry," I respond. On our way down here we decided not to tell anyone we found her, or that shes having kids. Washington would have them killed.

We can't let then die.


Prologue to my new story is up!! Hope to see y'all there. Its called The Lovely Silence.

- Heaven

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