Thirty-Three; Friend

834 11 2

September 15th, 2010
4:23 pm
Las Vegas Police Department
Las Vegas, Nevada

For once in her life, Elizabeth Doyle didn't lead the charge into the police station. Instead, she followed her team, head down, and arms crossed. She was in a daze when she joined the circle surrounding Hotch and the lead detective, when Hotch gave the team instructions, even when everyone was dismissed to their assigned roles. She stood there, eyes on the floor.

"Eliza?" She snapped her eyes shut, shaking her head slightly, then opened them. Before her was Morgan, again. His arms were crossed, and his eyebrows were positioned in their signature furrow. "Ready?"

"For?" she asked, her eyes apologetic. "Sorry, I uh, I wasn't paying attention."

"Clearly," he joked, then more seriously, "don't worry about it. Some cases get to you more than others." Eliza nodded, biting her lip slightly. "We're going to interview Sarah Hudson's roommate. Her name is Hadley Rhoades."

"Garcia get a file?"

"Nah, thought we could call in the car," Morgan shrugged. Eliza nodded, and the two set out towards the parked SUV's. Eliza slid into the passenger's seat, then reached for her phone as Morgan began backing up. She dialed the number and put the phone on speaker, the ring filling the silent car.

"Headquarters of all things genius, lovely, and beautiful, how can I help you?" Garcia chirped once she answered the phone. Eliza smiled slightly hearing her cheery friend's voice.

"Garcia, you got Eliza and Morgan," Eliza returned.

"My two favorite people!"

"Right...erm...thanks. What do you have on Hadley Rhoades, R-H-O-A-D-E-S," Eliza asked, waiting for a response from the furious typing.

"Alright Hadley Rhoades, born March 2nd, 1990 in Colorado, moved to Las Vegas to attend college, works as a waitress at a restaurant on The Strip, to make money on the side. She roomed with Sarah during freshman and sophomore year of college, they then moved into an apartment together. Hadley is working to get her bachelors in Asian and Asian American Studies, with a minor in Chinese and international business, Sarah was working towards her bachelors in Interior Architect and Design."

"Anything more specific on Hadley?" Morgan asked.

"She has dual citizenship, the United States, and China. She was adopted from China when she was two years old, and it appears she is still in contact with her birth mother. She's an upstanding citizen, pays taxes and bills on time, straight-A student, in the honors program. Sarah was the same way."

"Alright, thanks Garcia," signed off Eliza as Morgan pulled into the parking lot. He turned off the car and began to exit despite Eliza not moving.

"Everything okay?" asked Morgan for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"Yeah," she muttered climbing out of the car. They crossed the road and were allowed into the apartment building with no problem. From there, they made their way to Hadley and Sarah's apartment. They could hear yelling through the door. "Sounds like she's speaking Mandarin," Eliza noted as she knocked. The door swung open, revealing Hadley. Her long black hair was in two braids, her eyes swollen from crying, and a phone was in her left hand from which there was still someone chattering. Hadley quickly ended the conversation and opened the door more to allow for Eliza and Morgan to enter.

"Sorry about that, my relatives are worried about me. Ever since Sarah passed, they're worried I'm next," Hadley explained. "Please, sit. Can I get you some tea, coffee?"

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