Twenty-Seven; First Time

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July 28th, 2010
8:40 pm
The Apartment of Spencer Reid
Washington D.C.

Spencer Reid woke up to the sound of voices outside his bedroom door. He was still a bit delirious from almost dying but had been released from the hospital early that afternoon. He got out of bed, shuffling to the door. He opened it to see Eliza sitting at the kitchen counter, talking on her cell phone.

"Yes, I am aware of the date," she sighed, waiting a moment as the person on the other end responded. "You do understand that I have a job correct? I can't just up and leave anytime I want...okay well even if Kenzie is telling the truth, I'd have to ask him first, and to be perfectly honest I don't know if I want to bring him...Why! Because you hate me! You'd spend the entire week trying to convince him there are better women out there!... Yes, you would!...I've got to go...No, I don't have another case, I'm just busy. Goodbye!" She hung up the phone, slamming it on the counter, and resting her head in her hands.

"Who were you talking to?" Reid asked, opening the door further. He walked out to her and sat beside her.

"My mother," she groaned, looking at him. There was silence for a moment.

"Why are you here?" Reid finally asked. "Not that I'm not grateful, I just don't know why you're here."

"Didn't feel right leaving. And also I didn't want to." She was quiet as she spoke. Reid leaned over to kiss the top of her head. She leaned her head onto his shoulder. "I was really worried about you, you know," she whispered.

"I know." He thought back to the message Garcia had recorded on her computer. "I was worried about you." She laughed quietly.

"I feel like you always are." She took a deep breath, then removed her head from his shoulder. "I believe it's far past supper time. Feel like anything in particular?" He opened his mouth and she added, "not Jell-O."

"What! Why not?"

"Because you devoured eight cups at the hospital before we left. Morgan thought you were going to turn into Jell-O."

"That's impossible." Eliza rolled her eyes, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's a joke, Spencer." He looked at her, his eyebrows raised in confusion. "God, you're adorable." She placed a deep kiss on his lips, bringing the two closer together. Their foreheads were touching, Eliza standing to match Reid's sitting height. "I'm really glad I nabbed you before some other woman could."

She was looking down, so Reid placed his hand under her chin to get her to look up. They looked one another in the eyes, and the room filled with lust. Eliza pushed herself closer to Reid, locking her arms around the back of his neck and pressing her lips to his. He kissed back, possibly more desperate for her than she was for him. She followed his tongue, hoping he would take the lead and he did. It felt unnaturally natural, and Eliza wondered how she ever lived without the taste of Dr. Reid's lips on hers. She could feel his hands move to her face, his thumbs stroking her cheekbones as his hands pulled her face closer. Neither had to think about it, and following their instincts was easier now than ever before. They broke apart, both breathless. Eliza looked at Reid and there was something new in his eyes, a sense of fire and ferocity. He moved first, placing kisses on her cheeks, her neck, and finally the spot where her jaw met her neck. In return, she began pulling the white t-shirt off of his body and moving his hands towards the buttons of her sweater. She shook off the sweater when at last they broke apart, while he threw the t-shirt across the room.

Eliza raised her eyebrows at Reid suggestively. He stood up, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her. She giggled, squealing before wrapping her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck. Again he kissed her with passion, and her eyes closed with pleasure. There was a slight wind on the back of her neck as he moved. Away from the kitchen and into the bedroom, they went, until at last, he threw her onto the bed. She smiled, grabbing the sides of his waist to pull him closer. He moved closer, placing kisses along her neck, her arms, her torso, her hips. She wiggled beneath him, moving to pull off her jeans. As he attacked the nape of her neck, she pulled at his pajama bottoms. Reid pulled away to look at her, his arms on either side of her shoulders to support his view.

Her brown curls were spread out behind her framing her oval-shaped face. Her freckled cheeks tainted pink, her lips plump from his, her dark brown eyes analyzing his face. As he stared at her, she stared at him.

His brown hair had fallen in front of his forehead, and she gently pushed it away to better look at him. He had a smile on his face, and Eliza felt the need to move her hands to his jaw which stuck out prominently. His brown eyes looked as though they contained flecks of gold as they searched hers. She got lost in them until she heard her name.

"Eliza," Reid spoke in a confident voice, and she hadn't expected it. Her heart skipped a beat. Reid was looking at her, and she realized her hands were still cradling his jaw.

"Sorry," she whispered blushing.

"Do you want to do this?" he asked, just as quietly. She looked at him, before nodding, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her. He kissed her again, then stood up. He pulled her jeans off her legs, followed by his own checker pajama pants so they were both in their underwear. Eliza tensed slightly as his hands landed on her thighs, moving upwards towards the hem of her underwear, pulling them off of her body. She buried herself in the moment as he continued, her back arched, her hands on his muscular shoulders. His hands are in her hair, pulling her closer to him.

"You're beautiful," he tells her. She smiled, blushing even harder as they found their fit, moving together. His left hand is holding one of her breasts, his thumb grazing her nipple as her body concentrates on the pleasure. He moved faster as Eliza moaned, craving him more and more. The intensity becomes unbearable as both Eliza and Reid cry out in pleasure, falling beside one another on the bed.

Laying on their backs, breathing heavily, Reid moved his head to kiss Eliza's shoulder. She flipped to her stomach, laying her chin on her folded arms to watch him. His eyes are closed as he breathes, his hand mindlessly stroking her hair. Eventually, his eyes opened, and he saw her watching him. He laughed shortly.

"Why are you staring at me?" Reid asked.

"I can't stare at you without it being weird?" she retorted. Reid rolled his eyes and continued stroking her hair. Eliza pulled herself forwards so her head was resting on the flat of his shoulder, her right arm tucked to her side, her left on Reid's chest. She mindlessly drew shapes on his pectoral muscles, her eyes looking up to his face again.

"Quit staring at me!" laughed Reid, he tickled her sides and she squirmed.

"Stop that!" she cried laughing. He did, instead using his hand to tip her chin up so he could kiss her without effort. "I'm glad I met you, Dr. Spencer Reid."

"I'm glad I met you, Elizabeth Doyle." She shot him a look, then settled back onto his chest. Neither could bring themselves to say the three little words both felt. The idea was too scary for a two-month relationship, despite the lack of normalities in theirs. Eliza continued to draw on his chest until her eyes fluttered closed. Reid watched her, tightening his grip on her as she fell asleep. When her breathing evened out Reid found himself dosing off, knowing she was safe in his arms.

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