Thirty-Two; The Less I Know The Better

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September 13th, 2010
8:42 am
The Bullpen of the BAU
Quantico, Virginia

Derek Morgan arrived to work, early for once in his life. He left the elevators to see Eliza's door open, while Reid was working in the bullpen all alone. Hotch's door was closed, but Rossi's was open, though none of that mattered to Morgan that morning. He shrugged off his leather jacket, then made his way to the coffee machine. One black cup of coffee later he was back at his desk, looking through files but not signing anything.

"Derek Morgan!" Eliza shouted, throwing open the glass doors of the bullpen. Reid and Morgan turned to look at her. She stormed over to his desk and began shuffling through files on his desk.

"Hey! Hey!" Morgan cried, trying to stop her. "What are you doing!"

"Looking for this!" Eliza pulled a file out of the stack and threw it at Morgan.

"What is this?" He asked, pulling the file off of his chest and opening it.

"That file has been sitting on your desk for two months. TWO MONTHS. You know what that means Morgan?" Eliza asked rhetorically. Reid snickered. "Shut up Reid."

"What does that mean?" Morgan countered.

"That means Erin Strauss is mad at ME because you haven't signed your requalification papers!"

"Okay?" Morgan was still confused.

"Do I have to dumb it down that much for you?" Morgan looked from Eliza to Reid then back to Eliza. "You took your firearms requalification exam six months ago, but you haven't signed the paper which confirms that you did in fact take said exam. Simply put, you are not qualified to hold a federally issued weapon until you sign these papers, and personally take them to Erin Strauss." Eliza explained.

"That's not even a thing!" Morgan argued, looking through the papers.

"Actually, it is. It was signed into effect early this year," stated Reid.

"Shut up, Reid!" Eliza and Morgan said in unison.

"You have exactly seventeen minutes to sign this, and give it to Strauss or I get to confiscate your gun," Eliza instructed. She turned on her heel, then left the room muttering to herself. Morgan looked to Reid who was shuffling through his desk.

"What the hell!" Morgan muttered, grabbing a pen off out of the cup on his desk. Reid looked up at him, beaming.

"I have something for you!" he said, standing up, his fist closed around something. "If you ever need anything..." Reid unveiled a whistle and put it around Morgan's neck. He blew into it, causing the whistle to tweet. "Just blow on that."

"You're not funny," Morgan muttered ripping the whistle from around his neck.

September 15th, 2010
9:54 am
The Office of BAU Press Liason Eliza Doyle
Quantico, Virginia

Eliza muttered to herself, looking through the numerous files on her desk. This particular morning she was bitter, a combination of lack of sleep and continuous calls from her mother. She eyed the lowest drawer on the left side of her desk, again debating looking through the three files the drawer contained. She'd finally worked up the courage to ask Garcia to pull files one Lauren, Mara, and Chloe for her. Being the amazing technical analyst she was, Garcia had made two copies, one for Declan, one for Eliza. Still, Eliza debated whether she should look into the files or not. She put her pen down, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb.

"Ready for the briefing?" Hotch asked, sticking his head into Eliza's office.

"Uh, yeah," Eliza mumbled rummaging through files on the chair beside her, looking for the correct ones. "Everyone ready?" Hotch nodded, walking away. Eliza followed him, nearly running to keep up with his pace. Hotch had set up the screen for her, and with all the agents around the table, Eliza simply handed out the files and grabbed the remote. "Alright, three women in Las Vegas all raped and murdered within two days of one another. Gena Rodgers twenty-seven, Donna Blythe twenty-nine, and Sarah Hudson twenty-one."

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