Forty-Four; The Holiday Season

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December 25th, 2010
8:40 pm
The Apartment of Eliza and Kenzie Doyle
Washington D.C.

Eliza moved her hips in an attempt to not hit anyone in the living room. She had both hands on a plate as she entered the kitchen, Kenzie, and Kai sitting at the counter as she did. They were talking, their heads close Kenzie giggling softly. They both looked up when Eliza placed the plate on the counter.

"How's the team?" Kenzie asked, only half focused on her sister.

"Not as great as you and Kai," Eliza retorted. "I still can't believe Anya didn't notice you two." Kenzie glared at Eliza, turning away from her girlfriend.

"You were there. She wasn't paying attention to us." Kenzie smiled sarcastically. "Besides, I think Kai scares her."

"Why would she be scared of Kai?"

"Because I'm not afraid of her," Kai replied with a smile. "And because when we arrived Kenzie told your mother I could kick her ass if she disrespected me."

"I believe it," Eliza smiled.

"Eliza! Come open the gift I got you!" Garcia screamed from the other room.

"You should get back to your party," Kai suggested. She then turned to Kenzie and said more quietly, "who knew FBI agents are so crazy."

"The BAU knows how to live it up! Did you even meet Derek Morgan?" Kenzie exclaimed.

"He's the one who looks like he could throw you across the room?" Eliza laughed at Kai's description of Morgan.

"I can't say he's ever done that, but he has tackled people to the ground with one blow," Eliza replied.

"Elizabeth!" Garcia hollered again. Kai and Kenzie laughed as Eliza rolled her eyes.

"Guess I have to go," she sighed. "It's nice to see you, Kai. Kenzie wouldn't shut up about how much she missed you whilst you were in Japan." Kenzie shot her sister yet another dirty look, but Eliza had gone back into the living room. Eliza couldn't help but smile at the scene taking place. Jack and Henry were playing with some toys by the window, while JJ, Will, and Hotch drank and supervised. Garcia was talking with Blake, who'd flown up with James to visit for the holidays. Rossi and Reid were hovering around her dining room table, picking at the snacks she'd lay out earlier that day. She smiled, watching a moment before Garcia noticed her.

"Eliza!" She teetered towards her friend, still wearing ridiculously high heels. "I got you a present!"

"I heard," Eliza laughed offering Garcia her arm. "What did you get me?"

"I can't tell you," Garcia whispered. Eliza raised an eyebrow in concern. "NO! Not like that, I can't tell you, a different can't tell you." Eliza narrowed her eyes, still confused.

"Then what is it?"

"A framed picture of you and Reid," Garcia said. Eliza smiled softly. "I noticed you didn't have any photos of you two when I came over in October to drop Cocoa off while you were away. And I am a tech genius so I figured I could come up with something."

"Garcia, thank you." Garcia nodded.

"Will you walk me to the refreshment table?" Eliza chuckled, before helping her friend. As they neared the table, Rossi reached out to help Garcia.

"How is everything?" Eliza asked cautiously.

"Assolutamente meraviglioso," Rossi cheered. (Absloutly marvelous.)

"Sono contento che ti piaccia," Eliza replied. (I'm glad you're enjoying it.)

"Where'd you get the ravioli?" Reid asked, his mouth full.

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