Thirty-Four; Bruises

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September 15th, 2010
8:30 pm
Soul Escape Nightclub
Las Vegas, Nevada

Eliza felt her heart beating as she strode into the club. She looked confident, but the lack of gun and badge on her body wasn't doing her stomach any favors. She felt exposed in the small black dress, her curls falling around shiny silver earrings, as her hand played with the Hamsa hand necklace dangling around her neck. People around her staired, impressed with her balance in the stiletto heels which led her from the door into the main club. It was dark inside, and there were people everywhere. She slithered through the crowd, making her way towards the bar.

Eliza had never been a fan of clubs, in fact, she avoided them at all costs. Soul Escape Nightclub, however, was the last place Stephan Ruban's cell phone was pinged. Furthermore, the benefit of looking like the previous victims, combined with the fact she was the only female on the team had caused Hotch to suggest sending Eliza into the club. Not wanting to be a burden, Eliza agreed. Now she stood, sipping water disguised as a cocktail watching the crowd for their UnSub.

Of course, she wasn't alone. Morgan was in the crowd, while Reid and Rossi hugged a corner near the door. She couldn't help but stare at Reid, a streak of jealousy running through her as woman after woman approached him to flirt. She was considering leaving her spot to duke it out with an especially persistent blonde when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Eliza turned to face a tall, blonde man. Her mouth opened slightly in surprise.

"Hello," he greeted with a smile.

"Hey," she returned.

"My name's Stephan."

"Ella," she smiled. It was easy for her to lie after reviewing a false persona in the car.

"Well, Ella, I just wanted to come over here and let you know how beautiful you are." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Eliza chuckled softly.

"And I never thought I'd meet someone in a place like this," she replied.

"What is a girl like you doing in a bar like this all alone and so far from home," he questioned, leaning on the bar slightly.

"I was supposed to meet a friend, but she bailed. It kinda sucks considering it's one of my last days in the States."

"I'd hate for you to return to England without a true Las Vegas experience," he said sympathetically.

"How'd you know I was from England?" she asked, placing a hand on his arm.

"You sound too proper to be from Australia or New Zealand. Call it an educated guess." Eliza raised an eyebrow. "That was creepy, wasn't it." She nodded slightly, and he turned away from her.

"Stephan," she called. He turned back. "What is the true Las Vegas experience?" Stephan snuck a hand around her waist to pull her close. His breath was warm on her ear and shoulder which caused her to shudder.

"Let me show you." His hand snaked from her waist to the small of her back as he moved her throughout the club. They moved towards the front door, and again Eliza felt her heart beating in her chest. She worried he could hear the thud, it was beating so loud. There wasn't a moment where she could turn back, no chance for her to check if she was being followed or not. Stephan nodded to the bouncer as they left, then began moving quickly away from the club. His hand strayed from her back to grab hers and he began pulling her.

"God, my arm will fall off if you pull any harder," she joked moving her hand in an attempt to free herself.

"Shut up!" He growled. His grip tightened around her wrist, a move he'd made swiftly without her noticing. He began to move faster, a pace that Eliza couldn't keep up with him in her heels. She staggered slightly, using it as an excuse to look behind her, to check for her teammates. No one was behind her. Her heart beat faster, tear pricking in her eyes.

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