Six; Crush

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April 29th, 2010
9:43 pm
The Bullpen of the Behavioral Analysis Unit
Quantico, Virginia

Despite the late hour, Reid was still sitting at his desk filling out paperwork. Apparently, when you killed someone on duty there is a lot more paperwork to fill out.

"Night Reid," Rossi stated as he walked past Reid's desk.

"See you tomorrow." He worked silently for a while before the sound of footsteps interrupted his concentration. He turned around in his chair to see Eliza. She looked beautiful wearing a pale blue dress and white heels. Her hair was still down and curly, and even in the dark, he could see her freckles.

"I was hoping you'd still be here." Eliza smiled softly walking towards him.

"I'm not sure I ever leave," Reid responded. He felt almost giddy that they were alone. "How did Pearce take the news?"

"Horribly. He threw a 4,000-year-old vase across his study. Took his wife all she had to calm him down. I'd hate to find out how he would react if Bailey Anne didn't make it through. Lucky she was only shot in the leg."

"Imagine losing a child. I can't imagine anything worse." Reid was trying not to imagine what would happen to his mother if he passed. It was something he'd thought of before, and the result was never good. He could see Eliza shift her stance slightly before she spoke.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my life today. Most people wouldn't do that for me."

"It comes with the job."

"No, it doesn't," Eliza argued, "it comes with being a genuine person. A person who cares for others unconditionally, despite their flaws. I get the sense that's the type of person you are, Spencer." She smiled at him, then acknowledged the stack of files in his desk. "Are you done with your paperwork for the night?" Eliza asked, her smile growing slightly.

"I can be. I like to get a head start on all my work. Why? Is everything alright?" He seemed worried.

"Yes! Yes, Spencer, everything is fine." She laughed, placing her left hand on his shoulder. "Would you mind accompanying me to dinner? My treat. A small thank you for saving my life."

"Of course." Eliza took both his hands in hers, pulling him up from the desk chair and dragging him towards the bullpen's exit. "Why do I have the feeling that I should be worried?" He joked as the elevator doors closed.

April 29th, 2010
2:45 am
Roof Top of Parallel Hotel
Quantico, Virginia

Eliza and Reid sat on a blanket, surrounded by baked goods and a bottle of wine. It was Eliza's gift to Reid for saving her life, and a rather grand one. They were up on the roof of Eliza's hotel, watching the lights of the stars twinkle and fade among the bright street lights below. They were laughing hysterically as they watched a group of drunk people stumble across the hotel's garden.

"I think he's going to vomit all over his girlfriend's shoes!" Eliza cried through her laughter.

"God, I hope I never do anything that embarrassing," Reid gasped as they watched the man throw up all over his group of friends. The group then left groaning, leaving the park empty. Reid watched Eliza as she checked her cell phone for the third time in the past forty-five minutes. He noticed that her mood shifted with every call. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked finally.

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