Seven; i don't really like your boyfriend

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April 30th, 2010
12:52 pm
Behavioral Analysis Unit Bullpen
Quantico, Virginia

Reid was sitting at his desk working on wrapping up the Pearce case when Erin Strauss came storming in.

"Good afternoon ma'am," he said politely.

"Afternoon," she responded. "Is Aaron in yet?"

"I don't think he left last night."

"Alright, thank you, Spencer." She tapped his desk with her hand before heading into Hotch's office. She spoke a few words to him before closing the door and shutting the blinds.

"What's going on in there," Morgan said as he placed his bag on his desk. He was just returning from his lunch hour. He gestured to Hotch's office as he took off his windbreaker.

"Absolutely no clue. Strauss came in, asked if Hotch was in then went to his office and closed the door. Considering the workday has barely started it can't be good news."

"Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys!" Garcia cried as she ran into the bullpen. It wouldn't be necessarily accurate to describe how she was moving as running, it was more of a waddle due to her high heels.

"What's up Baby Girl?" Morgan asked, grabbing her arm to help her move along.

"You know how Strauss has been looking for an agent to replace Emily? She's finally found, someone!"

"And of course you've already looked them up and found everything there is to know about them," Morgan said sarcastically.

"I don't want some random women coming in and working with my babies without knowing anything about her!" Garcia replied defensively. "Anyway, be prepared to meet Dr. Alex Blake." Garcia turned her IPad around and showed the two a picture of Blake. "She's apparently uber-smart and works as a linguistics professor at Georgetown. She is married to James Blake who is also a doctor, but of medicine. She's been in the Bureau since she was twenty-four, made her name on the Unibomber case. Here's where it gets interesting, apparently Blake and Strauss worked together on the Amerithrax case. They arrested the wrong suspect due to a linguistic flub. Strauss let Blake take the fall for the mistake. It completely ruined her reputation."

"Why would Strauss hire someone she hated?" Morgan asked.

"That's the thing. Strauss doesn't hate Blake. She's consistently written good things about Blake when asked to for performance reviews and transfers," Garcia shrugged. "She starts on Monday." She smiled and walked away from the two of them.

"I was starting to think Hotch wasn't going to hire anyone to replace Prentiss," Morgan told Reid as he settled into his chair.

"You know, being a profiler in the BAU is one of the most coveted positions in the Bureau. Statistically, positions in units only stay open for a week at the most. The fact that this position has been open for twenty days is incredibly rare, especially considering that our team is so highly valued. It's really a miracle that the spot has stayed open so long," Spencer informed Morgan.

"Is there anything you don't know?" JJ asked as she walked up to join their conversation. "I've got more files for you!" She smiled waving the files in Morgan and Reid's face. The men groaned but took the files no questions asked. "What's Strauss doing?"

"No idea. We thought maybe you knew," Morgan said. JJ looked at her feet nervously, something both Reid and Morgan picked up on.

"I have to go finish some paperwork. The bureaucratic knots are never really untied," JJ informed them before quickly scurrying away.

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