Twenty-Three; Mambo Italiano

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July 16th, 2010
7:40 pm
The Apartment of Elizabeth and McKenzie Doyle
Washington D.C.

With Kenzie away in NYC for the next week, Eliza sat on the couch, glad to not be answering questions about the bruises on her face and torso. She hadn't had bruises like that since her teenage years, and though she'd been trained to avoid them, she hadn't wanted to risk Cyrus escalating his plan. She was holding ice to her face at the current moment, Cocoa beside her. Gentle music was playing from the TV as she lay her head back, finally relaxing. It was a familiar feeling, being alone, and yet she hadn't experienced in a while. Someone was always around, and Eliza appreciated that because it kept her from thinking about her own life. She thought of the misery her life was made of just a few short months ago. Seb, her mother, getting married. She'd never thought she would get the happiness her siblings strode for, and because of her work-oriented nature, it never bothered her. Until she met Reid. She hated to admit it, especially because the relationship was new, but she was falling in love with him. The physics test he performed in the office, the intimate knowledge of absolutely everything, the way his eyes lit up when she came round, the way he was willing to do absolutely anything for her no questions asked. Though it was originally his idea, Eliza was now more adamant about keeping the relationship a secret from the team. It had less to do with them and more to do with him, though it'd been about a month since their last contact. Cocoa got up suddenly interrupting her thoughts. The cat walking through the kitchen to the front door, meowing.

"Cocoa, what's the matter with you?" Eliza groaned, not wanting to get up. Then she heard a knock at the door, and the meows made sense. Throwing the ice pack on the coffee table, she rolled off the couch, making her way to the door. She was still wearing the black jeans she'd had on from work but changed her top to a more comfortable white t-shirt as opposed to the blue button-down from work. The knock echoed again, and she picked up the pace slightly. She didn't even bother looking in the peephole, but just threw open the door. Outside it was Reid and Garcia, smiling widely. "Good evening?"

"Do you like the outfit you're wearing or would you like to change?" Garcia asked.

"I'm not going to a club, Penelope," Eliza insisted.

"No you're not," she agreed. Eliza gave her a look. The same look Reid and Garcia had coined the 'Imitation Prentiss' look.

"Put on your shoes," Reid instructed.

"Are you two trying to murder me?" Eliza asked, only partially joking.

"We're taking you on an adventure," Garcia said, moving her hands across her face for added effect. "And I drove in the opposite direction to pick up you and Reid so get on your shoes and let's go!" Eliza followed their instructions, pulling white trainers onto her feet. She shut off the music and kissed the cat on the head before leaving the apartment. Garcia practically dragged Eliza down to the car, forcing her into the passenger's seat.

"Care to tell me where we're going?" Eliza had just realized that Garcia might be an even worse driver than Reid.

"Don't worry about it!" Garcia assured her. She looked to the back where Reid was shaking his head positively. They drove for a while, around 32 minutes from start to finish according to Reid. Eliza grew more confused as they entered the suburbs, driving down roads with large driveways, and even larger houses. Eventually, they pulled into the opening of a driveway, a gate guarding the home. For a brief moment, Eliza worried her parents were around, but then realized her mother would rather die than come back to the States. "Let us in!" Garcia screamed at the intercom controlling the gate. The doors swung open, and Garcia sped up the drive.

"Where the fuck are we?" Eliza whispered. Reid stifled a laugh in the back seat. The house at the top was nice, with a tan stone exterior, and two very large front doors. Other cars were already parked near the garage when Garcia pulled in. Eliza recognized Hotch's car among them. Garcia and Reid got out, Eliza a little more slowly. They entered a side door into a massive kitchen. Rossi was standing there to greet them. He hugged Garcia and Reid, though Eliza was slow to approach. "What is this?"

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