Three; Girl On Fire

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April 29th, 2010
1:00 pm
Interrogation Rooms at the Behavioral Analysis Unit
Quantico, Virginia

"This the boyfriend?" Morgan asked entering the viewing room.

"Yes. He was picked up outside his house. He was trying to make a run for it," Reid explained.

"He claimed he and Bailey Anne were meeting in upstate New York. They had a plan to cross the Canadian border," Eliza added. Morgan looked at her and took a step back. It was safe to say that he was not expecting her to be in the office. Eliza noticed and stuck her hand out to shake his. "Eliza, a pleasure to meet you."

"Morgan," he replied cautiously. "You're from England?"

"South London born and raised!" she beamed back.

"Right." Morgan turned to Reid. "Rossi's interrogating him?"

"No. You are." Hotch had just entered the room and was slightly surprised to not see Morgan already interrogating the man. "Rossi is currently talking to Sir. Pearce, Reid needs to read Bailey Anne's diary and Eliza is going to go help JJ with the press. You're the only one left."

"What about you Hotch?" Morgan asked. Hotch cast a look at Morgan.

"I get Strauss duty."

April 29th, 2010
1:13 pm
Jennifer Jareau's Office
Quantico Virginia

Eliza knocked softly at the door, not wishing to disturb the blonde who was diligently working.

"Come in," the blonde called. She sounded frustrated but Eliza chalked it up to work and not her intrusion.

"I'm Agent Doyle, Eliza. I was sent to help you by Hotch," Eliza said quietly.

"Hey!" The women greeted, completely changing her facade. "I'm Agent Jennifer Jareau, but most people call me JJ. I'm so glad to have your help!" She motioned for Eliza to come into the office. "Do you have any experience as a press liaison?"

"Unfortunately no, but it seems interesting!"

"Glad someone is interested, the press can be like sharks, especially when high profile person is involved." JJ laughed and handed Eliza a stack of files. "These are news sources who want us to comment on the story. They've all come up with their own version of the story. We need to sort the sources into two categories: biased, and neutral,."

"And after that?" Eliza asked, grabbing the pile.

"Read all the stories. Give statements to the trustworthy sources, get the biased or harmful ones to pull the story."

"They really pull stories?" Eliza looked up from the papers she was looking at.

"Not usually, that's what makes the job fun," JJ smiled. Eliza looked back at the papers, beginning to read through them. Slowly but surely she made her way though the pile, taking notes in a small notepad. JJ was answering the phone in between reading files. It'd been about an hour before the two said anything to one another.

"JJ?" Eliza finally asked.

"What's up?" JJ replied, looking up from her desk across the room. Eliza was sitting at a small table in the corner of the room.

"You've got this source marked as unbiased, but the story they put out is riddled with false statements."

"What do you mean?" JJ got up from her desk to take a closer look at the report Eliza was reading.

"Well here they quote Agent Hotchner saying that 'the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a waste of tax payer money and of nation resources.' They claim he said it at around eleven this morning, but that's when Spencer and I arrived at the crime scene. The police had prevented news sources from seeing the crime scene. We had a two block radius blocked off." JJ grabbed the paper from her, scanning it quickly for the false information.


"Furthermore, they've quote an Erin Strauss wishing that 'the hit was for the director of the FBI because he's a worthless piece of shit.' But they've claimed that she said this in a press conference two hours from now."

"Fuck," JJ sighed. "I need to call Strauss and the director. Can you do me a huge favor?"

"Of course, anything!" Eliza replied eagerly.

"Can you get the source to pull the story? If you can't I'll find a way later, but can you try?"

"Of course! Anything you need! Sorry to sound repetitive."

"Thank you so much. You can use the phone in my desk. I'll be back as soon as I can," JJ promised as she left the office, closing the door behind her. Eliza took a deep breath before taking a seat behind JJ's desk. Taking another breath, she opened the file looking for the phone number of the news source. She punched the number into JJ's desk phone, and waited for someone to pick up.

"Thank you for calling Weekly Sun, this is Martin specking," a mans voice answered.

"Hello. My name is Elizabeth. I need to speak to your editor in chief..." she double checked the piece of paper on which she'd written down the information on the Weekly Sun, "Ruthi Michael."

"Unfortunately Ms. Michael isn't available right now, can I take a message?"

"No, it's vital I speak to Ms. Michael right now."

"As I said before, she's busy. I can take a message , howev-"

"Okay, let me clarify. My name is Special Agent Elizabeth Doyle. I'm working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Earlier today, one of your journalists published a story filled with falsities. There's a number of misquotes, as well as fallacies about an ongoing investigation. I need to speak to your editor in chief. Now."

"Um...yes...I'll put you through now," Martin stuttered.

"Thank you." There was a moment of silence before waiting music came on, only a moment after that a voice surfaced.

"Ruthi Michael." The women was blunt.

"Hello. This is Special Agent Elizabeth Doyle with the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

"Agent Doyle, how can I help you?" The woman seemed genuinely concerned, but Eliza had a feeling it was a ploy.

"Earlier today, one of your reporters - pen name Luisa Scott - published an article. Claimed it was peer reviewed, with authentic quotes from actual FBI agents."

"Of course! Would you like to comment on the story? I'd be glad to take your statement."

"No. You need to pull the story. Now."

"I'm sorry, I can't do that. Thank you for calling," Ruthi informed Eliza, beginning to hang up.

"I'm afraid I must insist. The published story has loads of false information. There are misquotes, and the time stamps are completely incorrect. You have an Agent Strauss quoted with derogatory terms towards the FBI's director, which have been falsified. Beyond that she's been quoted saying that the director of the FBI is a 'worthless piece of shit' in a press conference two hours from now. You need to pull the story." Eliza was more forceful this time around.

"I'm not going to."

"Then I'm afraid the Federal Bureau of Investigation will have to sue you for libel, defamation, and possibly obstruction of justice. Maybe that will force you to finally pull the story, and I'm sure it will go over very well with your investors."

"You can't do that," Ruthi argued sounding rather desperate.

"Actually, I can. It's been wonderful chatting with you!"

"Fine! I'll pull the story! Just, don't sue the company."

"Wonderful! Glad we could work something out. I'm assuming the article has only been published online?" Eliza asked.

"Yes. We haven't had a chance to put it in print. Give me a moment," Ruthi replied. Eliza heard typing, and a mouse clicking before Ruthi spoke again. "It's been pulled. If you need anything else, call me."

"I will." Eliza smiled before hanging up the phone, satisfied with her work.

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