Fifteen; Falling for U

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May 22nd, 2010
9:47 am
Local Farmers Market
Washington D.C.

As it turned out, Eliza was correct. Kenzie has slipped off into the crowd looking for a fancy latte before the group reached the entrance of the farmers market. Reid looked around at the bustling market, worried about the high number of people in such a small place. Beside him Eliza was smiling at the various venders. The day was beautiful, sun blessing the entire crowd and casting a shadow on the two.

"God, I love open markets," Eliza sighed adjusting her the brimmed straw had adorning her head.

"I have never been to an open market before," Reid replied. "Probably because I mostly live on take-out." She smiled at him before darting towards a tent selling honey. Reid tried analyzing her intentions though her clothing choice didn't find much. The bottom of her platform white sneakers matches the straw of her hat, while her jean sundress hid a white crew-neck t-shirt, while lead him to believe she was very put together. Nothing he didn't know before. He watched her move through the crowd with purpose, and he wished that was a quality he had. Suddenly, he felt a pull on her wrist.

"Spencer?" He looked at her. "You were zoning out, I got worried."

"Large crowds tend to incite panic, stress, and fatigue in people. That seems to have been the case here, I'm not used to being with a large making of people in a small space like this," Reid replied calmly.

"You very much walk the line between psychopath and pure genius Dr. Reid," she smiled. After buying butter, cheese, and fruit, a brightly colored poster caught Eliza's eye. "There's baby goats by the flower stand!" Eliza cried excitedly. She put both hands on Reid's left wrist wrist, pulling his arm down slightly. "Can we go see them? Can we go visit the baby goats Spencer? Please Spencer! Please?" She begged.

"You're an adult. I can control you," Reid said confused. He wasn't paying attention to her so much as her hands pulling his.

She smiled, lacing her left hand in his right and pulling him through the people towards the flower stand. They wove their way through the maze of tents blowing past the items on Eliza's shopping list. As the goats came into view Eliza let go of Reid's hand, dropping to the ground to get to the goat's eye level. "Hello little baby!" She said her voice up a few pitches. "Look at this guy!"

Reid kneeled, though he didn't want to get a kakis covered in hay. Together they looked at the goat, a brown and white splattered little thing. Eliza leaned towards Reid slightly, closing the slight gap between them, her head resting on his shoulder. They stayed like that until Eliza noticed Kenzie across the way, buying honey. Promising she'd be back in a moment, Eliza walked to her sister, Reid's eyes following her the entire time.

"Your girl, very beautiful," a man said. He had an Italian accent and was wearing an apron marked with the "Fabio's Flowers" logo. "You want to buy flowers for pretty lady."

"Um.." Eliza waved to him from the honey stand, making sure he knew she was alright. "Yes." Somehow, in a, flustered, and slight awkward exchange, Spencer Reid had bought a girl flowers. Armed with a bouquet of lilies, Reid made his way to the two sisters.

"What did you get?" Eliza asked, her smile brightening as he approached. "Flowers? My god they're beautiful!"

"They're for you." Eliza looked at him confused while Kenzie raised her eyebrows. "For taking me out for the day. I normally don't leave my apartment unless it's to work. It was a nice change of pace."

"God," Eliza chuckled. "A first-edition book, AND flowers in the same day. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to seduce me." Kenzie snorted over dramatically. "Damn it's almost one in the afternoon," Eliza remarked as people began ushering out of the market.

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