Thirty-Eight; Safe

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October 8th, 2010
1:54 pm
London, England

Eliza had been silent since she and Reid had gotten into the car. Her bottom lip had also turned rather red from her teeth biting down on it as her fingers tapped their familiar rhythm. She knew Reid had noticed, but neglected to say anything in an attempt to prevent further worry for both parties. They'd been driving about thirty-minutes, the houses growing farther apart as they did. The stretch of road they were currently on haunted Eliza. Memories of coming home from school to find no one waiting. Of running away from the house after her mother refused to believe her about Sebastian after she slapped her youngest daughter over nothing in particular.

Reid reached over to grab her hand, pulling her from the memory pool. She looked out the window to see the familiar tall stone wall, an iron gate set dead in front of their car. She breathed in, squeezing Reid's hand as the car pulled through the gate and up towards the main house. The car pulled to the main staircase, a man running from the entryway to open the car door. He was older, grey hair sprouting from his head. He was wearing black trousers, his white collared shirt, and a black-tie covered by a black sports coat. Reid got out first, looking around helplessly at Eliza's childhood home. Eliza got out after him, more apprehensive.

"Elizabeth! You're home!" the man cried after she shut the door.

"James," Eliza greeted, hugging the man. "She's crazy as ever, isn't she?"

"Probably more, though you didn't hear it from me," James whispered. Both chuckled a moment. "If I get spare time, I'll make sure to let Moira know to add blueberries to the shopping list. It's going out later today."

"That's unnecessary, I'm hoping we can escape a day or two after the wedding," Eliza replied, grabbing on to Reid's upper arm. "Oh! This is my boyfriend, Dr. Spencer Reid."

"Ah! Doctor of what, may I ask?" James looked at Reid expectantly.

"Uh, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering," Reid replied cautiously. Eliza beamed at him proudly.

"My-my God," James muttered. "That's bloody impressive!"

"JAMES!" a shrill voice called out. Eliza tightened her grip on Reid's upper arm, one hand traveling to grip his hand. "For God's sake James, I told you to answer the door not take a fifteen-minute break!" The voice belonged to an older woman, her short blonde hair curled away from her face. Her lips looked as though they were permanently dissatisfied, her face much younger than her neck. The pearls around her neck were accompanied by a yellow blazer over a white form-fitting dress. Her heels clicked on the stone as she descended the stairs towards Reid and Eliza.  "Elizabeth!" she cried, her Georgia accent replacing the shrill tone.

"Mother," Eliza grumbled, as the woman pulled her daughter off of her boyfriend and into a massive hug.

"Funny," she began after the short hug, "I didn't think you'd actually come."

"Why would I not come to my brother's wedding," Eliza countered retreating back to Reid's side.

"Well, you didn't seem to care when Harry had his baby or when Oliver finally finished his residency at the Royal London Hospital," her mother quipped as they entered the foyer. Eliza knew her mother thought she was underdressed as soon as her sneakers hit the marble floor. "Anyway, you'll have your old room. Declan insisted I give it to you instead of that precious child of his, and James already had the staff bringing up your luggage. What else is there?"

"Uh, Mother. My boyfriend. Dr. Spencer Reid," Eliza said when there was a spare moment.

"Of course! Anya Doyle," Anya smiled, extending her hand.

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