Forty-Six; Clockwork

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February 23rd, 2010
11:03 am
The Private Plane of the Behavioral Analysis Unit
United States Air Space

"Is that the one where they fly around in the phone booth?" asked Rossi as he poured coffee. He'd made the foolish decision to begin a conversation about "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure," a topic Eliza'd learned to avoid after Oliver had brought it up when they were in England.

"First of all, it's a police box, not a phone booth." Reid took a moment to pour boiled water into his mug for his tea. "Second of all, Dr. Who started a quarter of a century before Bill and Ted even went on their bodacious adventure, so, really, they should have just called it "Bill and Ted's Excellent Rip-Off." I mean, at least then-"

"I'm sorry," interrupted Rossi.

"For what?" Reid sounded concerned that he'd done something wrong.

"Asking." Rossi turned, mug in hand, and took a seat beside Hotch. Eliza laughed, earning a small slap on the shoulder when Reid sat next to her.

"Good morning, Angels," Garcia greeted, a small blip sounding from the computer as her face appeared. "New information to report. The blood at the crime scene matched type to Charlie Sparks, so we can assume that he is the injured party."

"Well, shell casings by the door says he was shot," Morgan said. "Are we looking at a robbery gone wrong?"

"No robber would break into a family residence before the start of school and not expect to find people home," Eliza scoffed. "I'm the press liaison, and even I know that."

"No, I think he came for Charlie and Alison Sparks," Hotch revealed. "He planned the abduction and then gained entry to the house."

"But the scene is frenzied, disorganized. He didn't think it through," Rossi noted.

"I hate to say it, but could Sammy be our unsub?" Eliza asked cautiously.

"I don't think so," Rossi corrected. "What's the number one motive of kidnapping?"

"Financial gain."

"Yeah, well, if that's the case, they are barking up the wrong money tree," Garcia revealed. "The family runs a music store that's been Sparks owned since the 1940s, but business is down and a loan against the house is the only thing keeping that store afloat."

"The unsub should have done his research," Rossi scoffed.

After a moment of thinking, Reid spoke, "Well, he may have. This area was devastated by the oil spill. A little bit of money would go a long way here."

"When we land, Morgan and I will go to the crime scene. Eliza, Reid, you two interview Sammy," Hotch instructed. "Dave, I assume you can handle the music store alone?" Rossi gave Hotch a thumbs-up, prompting stifled laughter from his team.

February 23rd, 2010
3:54 pm
The Bullpen of The Lafayette Parish Police Department
Lafayette Parish, Lousiana

Reid and Eliza walked into the police department, surprised at the quietness of the building. There were officers sitting at their desks looking through files, not talking with one another. As they approached the front desk, an officer got from his desk.

"Hey, I'm Sheriff Oliver. You must be the FBI agents," he greeted as he approached them.

"Hello, I'm Agent Doyle, this is Dr. Reid," Eliza replied cordially.

"I assume you're looking for Sammy Sparks?"

"Yes, we're going to try and interview him if that's alright by you," Reid said.

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