Twenty-Nine; Symmetry

986 14 3

August 15th, 2010
2:32 pm
The Bullpen of the Boise Police Station
Boise, Idaho

Eliza led the charge into the police station followed by Hotch, Reid, and Rossi. She noticed a man in a detective's uniform and made her way towards him.

"Uh, Detective Fordham?" she asked.

"Agent Doyle," he responded with a smile.

"Yeah. These are SSA Hotchner, Rossi, and Dr. Spencer Reid," she introduced her team members.

"Well, thank you for coming. We could really use your help," Fordham said.

"Did you find anyone willing to talk to us about the victims?" asked Hotch.

"The problem wasn't who to bring in, it was who not to," Fordham sighed. They turned to see a large number of people milling around waiting to interview.

"Well divide and conquer," Hotch said. "Set up Rossi and Reid at these open desks. Can Eliza use your office?" Fordham nodded. "Let's interview those closest to the victims first."

"That would be Paula Renmar's mother, Samantha Rush's best friend and coworker, and Dorris Archer's boyfriend," said Fordham.

"Rossi take the mother, Reid take the friend she may give you more since you're her age. Eliza, interview the boyfriend." The three nodded, walking towards their assigned stations. Shortly after Eliza settled into the conference room, an officer brought in the boyfriend of Dorris Archer. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his hands were nervously tucked into his pockets.

"Thank you," Eliza said to the officer. She left the door open, gesturing for the man to come into the room. "Hello. I'm SSA Elizabeth Doyle, but you can call me Eliza if you'd like."

"Hello Eliza, I'm Brad," he responded. They shook hands, then both sat down across from one another at the desk.

"I've got tissues and a bottle of water if you need them," she informed Brad. He looked at her gratefully, taking the water bottle off the desk. "We just have a few questions about your girlfriend's disappearance. Let me know if you get overwhelmed, and we can take a break, okay?"

"Okay," Brad said quietly. Eliza smiled at him gently, then opened the case file for her list of questions. She grabbed a pen and paper, placing them near her right hand preparing to write responses.

"Alright, did Dorris ever mention letting someone into her home?" Eliza asked.

"Like who?"

"We're just trying to figure out who would have known the code to her home security system," Eliza assured him. "It must have been someone she trusted with the combination.

"No. She was smart. She took precautions. That's the whole reason she got Bruno," Brad informed Eliza.

"Bruno...the dog? So he was a guard dog?"

"Yeah, she trained him for like six weeks." Eliza nodded, jotting the information down.

"Okay. Um-I...I know these are hard to look at, but do you notice anything different?" asked Eliza, handing over photos of Dorris's home after the attack. "Something he may have done to get himself inside." Brad looked at the photos and began choking up. Still, he continued leafing through them, hoping to provide the agent with information.

"Um...this isn't right," he noted pointing at a photo.

"What's that?" Eliza looked closer at where he was pointing.

"The photographs." He turned the photo so Eliza could see it more directly. "This is when we first started dating. The one on the right should be on the left."

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