Chapter Forty One

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The Hufflepuffs who know Cedric well decided to wait up for him in the common room

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The Hufflepuffs who know Cedric well decided to wait up for him in the common room. Most of them were the Hufflepuff quidditch team and some other friends of his from his year. I stayed up too and Maddie stayed up waiting with me. Kevin was still seething and hadn't said a word to anyone since the feast. Most of the people waiting were talking about how Harry could have entered and if he was going to get disqualified but, as Maddie kept reminding people, Dumbledore explained that the putting your name in the cup meant entering into a contract whereby you had to participate. Harry, whether he wanted to or not, had to participate.

While Maddie was trying to be peacekeeper, she spent most of her time with Kevin, trying to get him to say something. I stood on the edge of the crowd, rolling my eyes a couple of times at Kevin when I knew he wasn't looking. What did he have to be so angry about anyway?

The minutes ticked past and there was still no sign of Cedric. The champions were probably with the teachers trying to sort out the surprise entry situation. It was getting later and later and I was getting more and more tired and still there was no sign of Cedric. The arguing was beginning to get on my nerves, especially Kevin.

"Hey, Mads," I said, making a point of not talking to Kevin, "I'm going to turn in. I think I'll just catch up with Cedric in the morning. You coming?"

"No thanks," She said smiling as she sat beside Kevin on the sofa, looking at him more than she was looking at me, "I think I'll wait up a bit longer."

I left the arguing behind and went to sit on my bed in the dorm. My mind was racing and all that time I was getting more and more frustrated at Kevin. Why was he so angry with Harry? The way I see it, Hogwarts has two champions which is more of a chance of winning the tournament. Who cares which house the champions were from?

The more I sat stewing, the angrier I became. I decided the best way to get some of my feelings out was to write a letter to Remus, even if I never sent it, perhaps writing it down would help me feel better.

Dear Remus,

I know I've written a lot but I need to get this down. I'm just so ANGRY. The Triwizard tournament has started and everyone was really excited for the champions to be chosen. Cedric was chosen as Hogwarts champion and everyone, especially the whole of Hufflepuff ,was really proud. Then, for some reason, a fourth champion was chosen and guess who it was? Harry.

Something's got to be going on, right? It's TRIwizard not QUADRUPLEwizard tournament. And Harry's underage and this tournament is going to be really dangerous. He could DIE! And everyone else seems to be more concerned with how Harry must have cheated to get in. I mean, what is wrong with them? Since when was someone potentially cheating and, as some people see it, 'stealing Cedric's thunder', more important than someone's life?

I had to stop writing there as writing a letter didn't help release my anger, it was only adding fuel to the fire by fixating on everything I was angry about. I set down my quill and left the letter on my nightstand and lay back in bed, staring at the ceiling. Perhaps I'll feel better in the morning.


The following day was a Sunday and the third years and above with permission were allowed to visit the village of Hogsmeade. Emmy, Maddie and I ventured out wrapped up in hats and scarves. Our first stop was the post office so I could the revised letter to Remus, which was less of an angry rant. On the way we discussed the only thing anyone seemed to be talking about: Harry's surprise entry to the tournament.

"He can't have done it," Emmy said shaking his head, "I mean, he's Harry Potter, he's already got eternal glory and I'm pretty sure he's rich and famous enough for the galleons too. Besides, how'd he get past the age line?"

"Get someone older to do it for him?" Maddie proposed.

"Threw it like a paper aeroplane?" I suggested making Emmy grin.

"I doubt that," Maddie added but even she was smiling.

"He has got a fair shot, though," Emmy shrugged.

"I still doubt it."

"Not sure why everyone's kicking up a fuss about it anyway," Emmy said, redirecting the conversation back on topic, "I mean, we've got twice the champions the other schools have got. We've just got an extra chance of winning this thing."

"I'm not sure that's how Cedric sees it," Maddie said, "He's just got an extra competitor now."

"The cup must have chosen him for a reason," I said as we reached the post office, "I'm sure Cedric can handle it."


On the day quidditch season was supposed to start, the Hufflepuff quidditch team met up for another catch-up. This one was less amicable than the last. The majority of the Hufflepuffs, especially those friends with Cedric, were still annoyed at Harry's participation in the tournament, even though they hadn't actually done a task yet.

"I expected Dumbledore to do something about it!" Kevin was saying, "I mean, they can't just let him compete. Cedric is supposed to be the champion. The only champion."

I rolled my eyes. Even Cedric seemed to think Kevin was taking it too far but there was no reasoning with him.

"Don't you think?" He said and everyone nodded, "Allie?"

I rolled my eyes again.


"Cedric?" someone said and I was glad they interrupted what would have been an angry rant. Everyone turned around and scowled. It was Harry, "Could I have a word...urm, with just Cedric?"

"I don't know?" Kevin scowled, "Can you?"

I frowned. That doesn't even make sense!

Kevin scoffed loudly and positioned his folded arms so that Harry could see the Potter Stinks badge that most of the Hufflepuffs, except Cedric, Maddie and I, were wearing. Ignoring Kevin entirely, Cedric nodded to Harry and walked a little ways away with him to have a conversation.

"Can you believe him?" Kevin asked and was met by disapproving murmurings from the rest of the team. I rolled my eyes.

Cedric's conversation with Harry was a short one but he rejoined the group looking shocked and a little scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked and Cedric sighed.

"Dragons...they want me to fight dragons..."


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