Chapter Twenty Six

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Despite Ron's insistence that he was okay and that we should prioritise finding Dumbledore, I maintained our first stop should be the hospital wing so he could get his leg fixed

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Despite Ron's insistence that he was okay and that we should prioritise finding Dumbledore, I maintained our first stop should be the hospital wing so he could get his leg fixed. Seeing as I was the one who could walk, we went to the hospital wing.

Sure enough, Madame Profrey could heal Ron's leg. She bandaged it up and gave him a tonic to drink to ease the pain. Ron and I both wanted to leave as soon as Madame Pomfrey had patched him up but she insisted that Ron be on bed rest until his leg had fully healed and neither one of us wanted to argue with her. She was known to have a mean streak, especially when it came to student's care. So Ron remained in a hospital bed and I stayed sat in the chair beside him.

"You don't have to stay, you know," Ron said between sips of his tonic. He said it tasted foul but would sip it whenever Madame Pomfrey glanced his way, "You could go after Dumbeldore and make him see-"

Ron stopped talking as the grand doors to the hospital wing swung open with a loud, low rumble and none other than Professor Dumbeldore entered. He was accompanied by two teachers who were levitating an unconscious Harry and Hermione. The two other members of staff lowered their wands and lowered Harry and Hermione into the two hospital beds beside Ron's. I jumped to my feet. Dumbledore excused the two other teachers and turned to face me as if he had known I wanted to talk to him.

"Professor, are they..." I asked, gesturing to Harry and Hermione. Dumbledore nodded.

"They will live," He said simply and I let out a sigh of relief.

"What about Professor Lupin, is he-"

"Will also be fine," Dumbledore said, correctly assuming how I would finish my sentence, "Although I expect he will wake up tomorrow a bit stiff and with a pounding headache."

"And what about-"

"Mr Black has been apprehended and is awaiting sentencing," Dumbeldore answered, again correctly guessing what I was going to say, "The minister for magic has been noted."

"But sir, he's-"

"I am aware," Dumbeldore said, interrupting me before I could say 'innocent', "But I'm afraid the verdict is out of my hands. The minister for magic, I highly doubt, will believe the word of three third years and a fourth year."

"But you could-"

"I'm afraid, in this situation, my word is not enough," Dumbledore said gravely and I stopped trying to ask him questions. He no doubt already knew what I was going to say anyway.

"Is there anything that can be-"

This time it wasn't Dumbledore who interrupted me. I stopped talking when the grand double doors to the hospital wing swung open again. Dumbledore looked at me and tapped the side of his nose and winked. I knew to stop talking now.

Cornelius Fudge entered the room, with Snape following close behind. He had his chest puffed out and was bragging about how he saved Harry Potter's life from the grip of the mass murderer and maniac Sirius Black. It took all of my will power not to scoff in his face.

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