Chapter Forty Five

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A couple of days later, while eating breakfast at the Hufflepuff table with Emmy and Maddie, I got a reply from Remus

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A couple of days later, while eating breakfast at the Hufflepuff table with Emmy and Maddie, I got a reply from Remus. Emmy was sat opposite us on the bench, complaining about the amount of homework we got in transfiguration. McGonagall had warned us last year that the workload would be increasing in anticipation of our OWLs but none of us had expected to do quite so much work. And our OWLs were only a couple of months away. It was a nice break to be able to ignore Emmy and Maddie for a few minutes and read Remus' letter.

Dear Allie,

I hope this letter reaches you well. I understand your concerns for both Cedric and Harry, and I'm sure that by the time you receive this letter the first task will have already taken place (I hope it went well). I can assure you that the tournament has been thoroughly risk assessed by the ministry and each task has been deemed safe enough for school children to participate in.

I set the letter down on the table and scoffed. Safe enough? Fighting dragons is safe enough.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to visit you over Christmas due to some unforeseen events on my end but I'm sure your Christmas will be eventful enough without me. Have a good Christmas. Take lots of photos and don't forget to write to me afterwards. I want to know that you had a good time.

Yours, Remus.

I set the letter down on the table and frowned.

"Exactly!" Emmy said, pointing at me, "Allie gets it! Just look at her face!"

"What?" I said. I had clearly missed a lot.

"That is the face of pure confusion," Emmy continued, pointing at me but talking to Maddie, "Exactly how I look when McGonagall gives us more homework that I don't understand."

"You're going to be helpless when we come to sit our exams," Maddie said, shaking her head.

"No, not helpless," Emmy said leaning across the table and raising her eyebrows.

"Please don't say it..." Maddie said, shutting her eyes.

"You could help me!"

"I'm not writing your transfigurations essay for you!"

"Eurgh," Emmy flounced, "You never do anything I want. Seriously Allie, why have you got that face?"

"Is something happening over Christmas?" I asked but both Emmy and Maddie looked blankly back at me, "It's just, Remus made a big deal about me enjoying myself over Christmas and taking lots of photos. Seemed a bit too enthusiastic to me."

"I don't know," Maddie shrugged, "Maybe he just wants to make the most of Christmas with his goddaughter."

"Or maybe he knows that because of the OWLs our lives are basically over and you should make the most of it while you can," Emmy flounced, Maddie rolled her eyes.

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