Chapter Forty Two

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A couple of days passed before I got a reply from Remus

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A couple of days passed before I got a reply from Remus. I immediately tore open the envelope and took the letter back to my dorm to read it in private. After my rant about the tournament, I was expecting a longer reply from him. But what I received was barely a single roll of parchment.

Dear Allie,

Glad to hear that Cedric was chosen as Hogwarts champion. He was an excellent student and will do exceptionally well as not only the school's representative but Hufflepuff's as well.

I understand your concern regarding Harry's entrance but, as I am sure you are already aware, he has to compete. Measures are being taken to ensure his safety. It is out of your control so I suggest you try and enjoy the tournament as best you can.

I apologise for my late reply, I have been very busy as of late. You will be pleased to know, however, that I am one step closer to having my life completely sorted out and, therefore, one step closer to being able to spend more time with my goddaughter. Until then, there are a number of things that need my attention but I shall strive to reply to your letters on time.



Measures are being taken?! What does that mean? What measures are being taken to ensure Harry's, or any of the champion's, safety? And how could he possibly know that all the champions would be safe? And what 'things' need his attention? Why does everyone in my life have to be so vague?

I could feel myself getting wound up again so turned to pen and paper to get some of my thoughts down in a reply to Remus.

Dragons! They want the champions to fight dragons! Is that legal? Could they die? Of course they could die! They have to fight dragons!

I set my quill back in the inkpot more forcefully than I had meant, causing the ink pot to wobble and spill onto the desk. With a frustrated sigh, I snatched the letter up before ink could slosh all over it and tossed it aside onto my bed and wiped up the spillage. I didn't want to resume writing in my frustrated state and risk spilling more ink everywhere. I was running low as it was and the next Hogsmeade trip was ages away.

Luckily, Maddie had excellent timing and poked her around the door to the dorm.

"There you are!" she said exasperatedly as if she had been looking all over for me, "Emmy's waiting outside, we were going to go down and watch the first task, are you coming?"

"Yeah, I'll-" I hesitated to look at the ink stain on the desk that I could clean up but that would surely mean I'd miss the first half of the task, "Let's go."


The stands were packed as we made our way down to the first task. The whole school had turned out to show their support, mostly for Cedric as shown by those horrible "Potter Stinks" badges. Kevin was proudly sporting one. I caught his eyes as we walked past. He was sitting with the rest of the Hufflepuff quidditch team and was talking excitedly about how there was no question that Cedric would win. He beckoned me over but there was only one seat left next to him and I wanted to sit with Emmy and Maddie. Not to mention I don't think I had the willpower to sit through the whole of the first task listening to Kevin boast about Cedric and tear down Harry.

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