Chapter Thirty

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The next morning, I basically sleepwalked to the portkey

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The next morning, I basically sleepwalked to the portkey. No one should be awake at 5 am. It wasn't natural. I was pretty sure I looked like a zombie but Emmy and her family said nothing. They, unlike me, were raring to go. Emmy always seemed to have excess energy and her brother was the same. They were jumping around, excitedly chatting about what team they thought was going to win, Ireland or Bulgaria. Malcolm and Irma were packing bags for the day ahead and laughing along with their children. How did they have so much energy? I barely had enough energy to last the day when I woke up at a reasonable time. I was never going to make it until the match. I'd fall asleep for sure.

By 5:30, we were out the door and trekking to find the portkey. Malcolm explained that because the quidditch world cup was so popular, it attracted thousands of wizards and their families. In order to abide by the national institute of secrecy, they needed a discrete way to travel to the games so scheduled portkeys were the way to go.

"I work for the department of magical transformation at the ministry and let me tell you, it was one hell of a job to organise all these," Malcolm said with a laugh as we headed through the field at the back of the Goldstein house.

"You couldn't have placed a portkey closer to your own home, could you, Malcolm?" Irma said lightly.

"Don't know what you mean, Irma," Malcolm chuckled, "A nice family walk will do us all good. Look! Anthony's loving it."

Both Emmy's parents, Emmy and I turned to look ahead at Anthony who had raced across the field. He was walking ahead of the rest of his family and kicking at turf of particularly long grass.

"What's wrong with your brother?" Malcolm asked Emmy and she merely shrugged,

"In a mood probably."

"Why's that then?"

"You mean why this time?" Emmy asked with an eyebrow raised, "Cause I get to bring Allie and he's all on his lonesome? I dunno."

"Maybe we should have bought an extra ticket, Malcolm," Irma said, sighing and looking at her son with a piteous expression.

"I told you already, Irma, we couldn't buy any more tickets that close to the day," Malcolm defended, "They'd all sold out weeks ago. It was only because your brother's still off galavanting around Africa that we had the spare one to offer Allie. And Allie here only got it because she wrote back first. It was as fair as we could make it. Don't fret on it, Irma, he'll be fine once we get there. There'll be too much going on for him to be in a strop for long."


"Here we are then," Malcolm said once we'd reached yet another field, "Everyone get looking for that port key."

"What are we looking for dad?" Anthony asked, an irritated tone to his voice.

"Haven't a clue."

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