Chapter Thirty Five

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We caught up with the twins again back at the campsite

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We caught up with the twins again back at the campsite. Emmy's parents and brother spent the rest of the evening inside the tent but Emmy and I joined the Weasleys, lounging around on the lawn outside their tents.

"You did it!" I congratulated, throwing my arms open. George, if a bit too enthusiastically, opened his arms too, embracing me in a bone crushing hug and lifting me up so feet were off the ground.

"Didn't know you cared," He said tearfully as he set me back down. The theatrics didn't last long before he grinned and could no longer keep himself from laughing. I rolled my eyes, scoffed and massaged my ribs.

"I can't believe it, you won your bet," I explained to prevent another emotional outburst from either one of them. I'd rather have all my ribs unbroken, "Blimey, how much did you win?"

"Bit crude to talk of money, isn't it Caswell?" George smirked as he sat down on the grass, stretching out his legs.

"Yeah, we thought you were better than that," Fred teased, throwing a handful of grass at me that landed in my lap. I rolled my eyes and brushed it off.

"Fine then, don't tell me," I shrugged, "All I'm trying to say is good fucking job."

Both the twins lent back on the grass, propped up on their elbows. Both of them had their mouths open and a hand placed over their hearts,

"Who's been teaching you that language, young lady?" George asked, putting on an overly posh voice. All three of us turned to look at Emmy, who was trying to make a blade of grass whistle.

She seemed to sense our staring and turned her head sharply to look at us like a deer caught in headlights.

"What?" she said with a blank expression which only succeeded in us all breaking into smiles.

Mr Weasley was excitedly trying to start a campfire behind us and was determined to do it the muggle way. He was having no luck until he asked Hermione to help him. Once he'd managed to get the fire going, all the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, Emmy and I sat around the fireside as the sunset.

Fred and George were telling us about their big plans for the money they'd won from their bet. They explained that over the summer they were experimenting with their exploding rockets from last year and were looking to branch out into a whole new line of prank items. They'd most spent the summer locked away in their rooms making a line of sweets that transfigured you in some way when you ate them.

"Hang on," Emmy said, stopping their eager rambling about their new line, "You made a custard cream that does what?"

"Turn you into a canary," Fred answered without missing a beat.

"Obviously," George added immediately after Fred. Both the twins were staring at Emmy like she was stupid for not putting two and two together.

"Of course," Emmy shrugged, unimpressed, "Why wouldn't a custard cream turn you into a canary."

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