Chapter Forty Nine

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A couple of days passed with Maddie ignoring me and it was complete hell

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A couple of days passed with Maddie ignoring me and it was complete hell. I couldn't deal with Maddie pretending I didn't exist. She wouldn't talk to me in the morning. She set an alarm purposefully early so she could avoid me. She wouldn't sit with me at breakfast, if I tried to sit next to her, she would move further down the bench. She even refused to acknowledge me when I saved her a seat in lessons. I couldn't take it anymore so I did what I did best when I needed to rant. I wrote another letter to Remus.

I sat down in the library with Emmy one day after lessons and wrote a letter, which was less an actual letter and more a random rant about everything that had happened between me and Maddie. I explained what happened with me and Kevin and then what happened when I told Maddie and everything she did to avoid me. I made it perfectly clear that I didn't like Kevin, I couldn't care less about Kevin. All I wanted was my friend back.

I'm sure, by now, Remus was used to dealing with teenage drama and I honestly didn't expect him to write back but he was the smartest person I knew that I felt comfortable writing to with all my issues and I was in desperate need of some sound advice. Emmy's advice of just letting her ignore me until she's ready to forgive me wasn't working. Maddie seemed more than happy to just ignore me.

I joined Emmy again that evening for dinner at the Gryffindor table. We arrived before Maddie. I saw her walk into the great hall and waved her over, hopeful that today might be the day where she forgives me, but instead she flounced away over to the Hufflepuff table without so much as looking down her nose at me. Honestly, I'd rather she shouted at me. At least then she'd be talking to me again.

I drooped and sighed as she ignored me once again. Just then, Lee and the twins sat down next to us at the Gryffindor table.

"What's up with her?" Lee asked Emmy, gesturing to me, "And why isn't the smart one sat with you two?"

"Allie's sad cause Maddie's mad with her," Emmy explained, "And Maddie's mad at Allie cause Kevin kissed her."

"He did?" Lee enthused but Emmy shook her head, "He did?" He repeated more somberly this time and Emmy nodded. Then she turned her attention to the twins and narrowed her eyes at them.

"Why is he the only one who's so surprised?" Emmy asked as Fred and George filled their plates, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"We have to be surprised at things you say now?" Fred quipped bluntly. George smirked.

"We can't help it if Lee is more childish than we are," he said but was staring at Fred all the while.

"Okay, what's going on?" Emmy asked, one eyebrow raised.

"What?" George asked innocently.

"No one is more childish than you two," Emmy explained and I nodded, "What are you covering up?"

"Covering up?" George asked, feigning innocence, with a sideways glance at his brother, who ignored him completely, "Do you think so little of us, Emmy?"

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