Chapter Forty Eight

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That evening, George and I decided the situation with Ludo Bagman had gone on long enough

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That evening, George and I decided the situation with Ludo Bagman had gone on long enough. We couldn't just sit back and do nothing and let him think he'd gotten away with it. We had to do something. And we had a plan.

We'd spent all evening drafting a very strongly worded letter that took us multiple attempts that left us with no more parchment to write our potions essay on. Oops. Because it took us so long to find the right words to put some pressure on Ludo but not so much pressure that he does a runner, we had no time left before curfew to go up to the owlery and deliver the letter. But since when has curfew stopped us?

We decided to take a short cut from the library to the owlery and cut through a passageway that came out near the kitchens.

"Shh," George hissed when he emerged in the corridor, "Listen."

We both stopped and waited silently in the corridor, listening out for anyone who could be walking past.

"It's not Filch, let's just go," I said, having listened and only heard chatter between students.

"No," George protested, stopping me from walking off, "Listen."

I rolled my eyes and listened harder for a second before giving up again.


"Is that Allie's voice?"

"What? No. I don't know," I rambled, "Come on, let's just go post this letter."

"No, no, no," George hesitated, flapping his hand to prevent me from wandering off without him, "What's our dear Caswell up to at this time?" He said with a smirk and edged forward down the corridor until we got to the end where it went around a corner.

We waited by the corner, peering around the wall to see Allie waiting awkwardly by a stack of barrels next to that Kevin guy.

"Can we go now?" I pressed, still whispering so we didn't get caught.

"What's she even doing- oh!"

"What?" I said, poking my head around the corner in time to see Kevin press his lips against Allie's. I shifted back behind the wall but George was still watching.

"Good on her!" George said, grinning. I sighed and looked at the floor.

"Come on, that letter isn't going to post itself," I said more firmly. George waved me off, "Fine, give me the letter and I'll post it myself.

"Alright, alright, I'm going," George murmured and we head down another passageway so Allie and Kevin didn't see us. I went ahead, apparently walking faster than George who was dawdling along behind me.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" he called out to me.


"Ah, you see, you answered that far too quickly so I know you're lying," George speculated but he was obviously far from right.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

"Sure..." George said slowly, drawing out the word. I rolled my eyes, "You sure it didn't have something to do with the fact that we just saw someone else kiss Caswell?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face George.

"What's this got to do with Allie?"

"Everything, my dear brother. Everything."

I reached down to snatch the letter from George's hand and held it up to his head before rolling my eyes and heading off to the owlery. I heard George laugh before racing after me.

He's not right, obviously. Why would I care if Allie kissed some other guy? I don't! Couldn't care less.


The next morning I sat with Emmy at the Gryffindor table. Maddie had got up long before I had, I found her bed empty that morning. She'd gone to breakfast ahead of me and was sitting alone at the Hufflepuff table. I waved to her as I entered the great hall but she made a point of turning away from me so I decided it was best to sit with Emmy that morning.

"Why is she ignoring you again?" Emmy asked as we sat next to each other on the bench, both of us looking across the hall at Maddie flouncing at the Hufflepuff table.

"I don't know," I said flatly, "She isn't talking to me so it's not like she can explain."

"Well what happened?" Emmy asked as she reached across the table for the toast rack.

"I told her Kevin kissed me, thinking we'd have a laugh about how weird it was," I explained, "And then she just stopped talking to me or believing I even exist!"

"You're kidding me?"

"No, that is exactly what happened!" I exclaimed. Emmy had stopped buttering her toast and just looked at me like I was an idiot, dangling her knife carelessly.

"That's not what I meant you, dumb idiot!" She said, shaking her head with a bemused smile on her face.

"What?" I protested. It's not like the whole situation was obvious!

"It's so obvious!"

"What? No, it's not," I protested further but Emmy was just smiling at me and shaking her head.

"It's obvious why you're not in Ravenclaw too," she quipped.

"Oh my god! Emmy, just tell me," I pleaded. I had to know what I'd done to make Maddie avoid me like this. I hated her being mad at me.

"She likes Kevin," Emmy said flatly, buttering another slice of toast.

"What? No!" I scoffed. Emmy laughed.

"Maddie likes Kevin," She stressed, "And now she's pissed at you because you kissed him."

"I never! He kissed me," I corrected, "I don't want to go around kissing Kevin. I don't like Kevin. Not that way at least."

"Still," Emmy shrugged, "She does like him. Imagine how it must be for her. The guy she likes doesn't like her back but instead likes her best friend. That's gotta hurt."

"I suppose," I sighed and slumped over my breakfast.

"Hey, cheer up," Emmy said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and rubbing up and down, "She'll come around eventually. In the meantime, you get to hang around the Gryffindor table with me."

"Great," I mumbled but unfortunately Emmy heard me.



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