Chapter Thirty Six

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"You're lucky, honestly," Emmy said as we passed full compartment after full compartment, "Sarah being a muggle and not getting the prophet and all

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"You're lucky, honestly," Emmy said as we passed full compartment after full compartment, "Sarah being a muggle and not getting the prophet and all. My mum wouldn't let me out the house for a week after the attack at the match. She kept hugging me..."

"Your mum hugged you?" Maddie scoffed as we found an empty compartment on the train and sidled inside, "Yes, that does sound terrible."

"You clearly have never met a Jewish mother," Emmy quipped, dropped down onto the seat and putting her feet up on the seat opposite.

"I can't believe you two were actually there," Maddie said, suddenly taking a serious tone to the conversation, "I mean, you could have died!"

"But we didn't though, Maddie," I said, sitting down next to Emmy as Maddie sat down opposite me, "We're fine."

"But we could have," Emmy said firmly, kicking her feet off the seat opposite and leaning forward to stare Maddie in the eyes, "I could be lying cold in my grave right now!" She managed to maintain a grave expression for the grand total of 0.5 seconds before she started giggling.

"I hate to agree with Emmy but she's right, even if she's being sarcastic," Maddie added with a glare at Emmy, "It was more dangerous than you think. It was You-Know-Who's followers, Allie. They've killed people before. They've killed hundreds. It's just lucky that more people weren't hurt. You're lucky you weren't hurt." Maddie said looking at me not Emmy, who was still smirking although she had controlled her giggles.

I knew Maddie had a point. I knew all of what she had said had come from a very real place. Maddie was a muggleborn. Do doubt the events she read about in the paper had scared her a little. Things were starting to feel like our third year all over again when the chamber of secrets had been opened and muggle borns were getting petrified. Although Maddie, thankfully, hadn't actually been petrified, she had been incredibly scared.

I had been scared too, although I wasn't technically a muggleborn, I had believed it back then. I had only found out that my mum had been a witch last year, thanks to Professor Lupin, who actually turned out to be my godfather. That year was full of big revelations that I hoped to leave behind going into this year. I wanted my fifth year to be relatively shock free. It was my OWL year after all, I had enough stress to deal with as it was. And starting the year with an attack on muggles by a blood supremacist group of terrorists was not a good sign. Although I wasn't technically a muggle born, I doubt those kinds of people would care if Maddie was my friend.

"Dad said the ministry was stumped," Emmy said, gladly giving me an excuse to not think about the scarily real possibility that Maddie would be targeted, "They'd had so many precautions in place to stop something like from happening and it happened anyway, right under their noses. No one had any idea."

"So you're saying it happened on the inside?" Maddie asked, shocked, "It was an inside job?"

"Death eaters in the ministry?" Emmy scoffed, "No way, we'd know! Surely." She added, sounding less and less sure.

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