Chapter Thirty Seven

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The whole castle was abuzz after the arrival of Mad Eye Moody

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The whole castle was abuzz after the arrival of Mad Eye Moody. Everyone was looking forward to their first defense against the darks lesson with him and everyone who had already had a defense against the dark arts lesson with him came back spouting stories of his unconventional and hands on teaching approach. Naturally Emmy, Maddie and I were intrigued and also keen to go to our first defense against the dark arts lesson with him.

When we arrived at the classroom, the shutters were drawn and Moody was nowhere to be seen. We took seats right at the front as Emmy had heard great things about Moody's lessons from Lee Jordan who had had his defense against the dark arts lesson the day before ours. She wanted to get seats as close to the man himself.

Thanks to Maddie's anxiety about punctuality, we were the first to arrive. That was the one time that I had not heard Emmy complain about getting to lessons 5 minutes before we should have as it gave her first pick of seats. We sat down and started chatting, Emmy more excitedly than usual. It was like being back at the quidditch world cup all over again, she was practically jumping up and down in her seat waiting for Moody to arrive.

The others in our calls slowly filed in. And then so did those students who were always late. But still no sign of Moody. The whole class was chatting but the excited mumbling turned to confused murmurings and speculations as to where Moody could have got to.

"He's probably been called back by the ministry to go after some dark wizard!" A boy a few rows behind us speculated.

"What dark wizard, you idiot?" His friend scoffed, "Since You-Know-Who, everyone's been too scared of Potter. There are no dark wizards left. Why do you think Moody, the world's greatest auror, is now a teacher?"

The whispers and murmurs died down when a low clunking could be heard coming up the stairs. Moody hobbled into the classroom looking as if he'd just been woken from a restless nap. He was limping rather badly and the rough wooden prosthetic leg was scraping on the stone slabs making a horrible scraping noise with every step he took. It was like nails on a chalkboard.

He stood in the doorway, casting an eye over his new class. His prosthetic eye was spinning all over the place, hardly resting on one face for too long. No one dared make a single noise although everyone was longing to whisper to their desk partner about what his one magical eye was now focused on. It had stopped spinning and seemed to be looking through the window behind me. I didn't want to glance back to see what he was looking at in case he was looking at me.

Moody let out a grunt and stilted nod and limped over to the chalkboard.

"You can put those away," He said gruffly as he passed Maddie's desk where she had piled her school books and the extra reading she had picked up from the library that morning. Maddie frowned, looked to me in confusion as she hesitated packing her books away just to make sure he was certain, "Those books. You won't need them." He clarified as Maddie hesitated. Although he had his back to her, none of us doubted that his magical eye could still see her.

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