Chapter Eight

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After the chaos that occurred last night, Emmy joined us at the Hufflepuff table and almost fell asleep in her cereal

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After the chaos that occurred last night, Emmy joined us at the Hufflepuff table and almost fell asleep in her cereal.

"They made us sleep in the great hall last night," Emmy grumbled, "Do you know what that meant?"

"Um, no," I said, not really sure where she was going. She was so tired she might have been delirious.

"It meant we had to wake up early so they could put the tables back before breakfast. Breakfast starts at 7. We had to be awake before 7."

"That's not so bad," Maddie chuckled.

"No, Maddie, it's terrible," Emmy said, looking up at her with barely enough energy to lift her head off the table. The bags under her eyes had bags under her eyes.

"Are you okay, Ems?" I asked, "You look...I don't want to say you look terrible but you look terrible."

"They made me sleep on the floor," She said, looking like she was on the verge of tears, "I'm used to a certain standard of living. I used to sleep in a four poster bed and now they're making me sleep on the floor!"

"Allie? Earth to Allie? Are you even listening to me, I need to vent!"

"Sorry," I said, flicking my eyes to meet Emmy's, "I zoned out there, what were you saying?"

"I was- Allie! What are you even looking at?"

Both Emmy and Maddie lent over and followed my eye line.

"Oh," Emmy said with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle, "Should have known you'd be staring at the twins."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, finally snapping my eyes away from the Gryffindor table but when I was only met by more suggestive eyebrow wiggling, I looked back over.

"Why are you staring at them?" Maddie asked and, without looking away, I answered.

"They've been whispering and looking up at me for the past half hour."

"That's not creepy or anything..." Maddie whispered with a look of genuine horror on her face.

"Oh yeah," Emmy said as if she'd just remembered something vital, "It's probably cause you're on their hit list."

"Hit list?" I said, leaning forward and furrowing my eyebrows, "What are they gonna do, murder me?" I asked, semi-sarcastically. Emmy shrugged. My eyes widened in horror and Emmy laughed. I reached over the table to smack her on the arm but she darted back.

"Tell me!" I protested and she threw up her hands.

"I was talking to Lee at the feast and he said they're bitter that you made them drink saltwater," Emmy explained, "Twice."

I leant back and folded my arms

"I didn't make them do anything!" I defended, "They did that to themselves. If they can't handle it, they shouldn't do it. Simple as."

After that, they both fell quiet. I'd won. We sat mostly in silence and carried on eating breakfast.

"They really have a hit list?" I asked, breaking the moment of silence because I still couldn't get my head around it.

"It's mostly to keep track of their grudges," Emmy said shrugging, "Like their version of a diary."


The first lesson we had that morning was defense against the dark arts which I was sure would cheer Emmy up. Lupin's lessons had quickly become the favourites of almost everyone. As per usual, thanks to Maddie, we arrived early. Usually, when we got there, Lupin would already be in the classroom but that morning the classroom was as empty as Emmy was tired: extremely.

"Why do you think he's late?" Maddie said as we took our seats, "He's never usually late."

"Dunno," Emmy shrugged. The rest of class were coming in now, "But if he's not here in 10 minutes, we're legally allowed to leave." She added hopefully, probably thinking she might be able to have a nap.

"I don't think that's true," Maddie said. Emmy wasn't given a moment to protest as none other than Professor Snape burst into the classroom. He strode down the aisle between the rows of desks, flicking his wand to close the shutters on his way to the front of the classroom. The classroom descended into darkness. I could barely make out what he was writing on the blackboard from my seat at the back of the classroom. Did I need glasses or was it just because the classroom was so dark? I had to squint to make out 'werewolves' scrawled on the blackboard. I frowned and turned to Emmy who gave me a look I knew meant 'What the fuck is going on? Why is Snape here? Help, I don't want to look at him more than necessary.'

Maddie had a similar look on her face as she raised her hand.

"Please, sir," She said, a confused tone to her voice, "Werewolves were covered last year. We're not supposed to start revision until after Easter."

"Silence," He snapped and Maddie brought her hand down with a crestfallen look on her face. I looked at her and smiled slightly to tell her it was okay, Snape was horrible to everyone after all. There was clearly no arguing with him. If we'd learnt anything in potions in our four years of being at Hogwarts it was that Snape always gets his way. We did werewolves again that lesson.


Maddie was happy that we were sitting back at the Hufflepuff table for dinner that evening. She was perfectly happy, eating food at her usual table with her nose in a book. Not even Emmy's raucous chatter put a damper on her mood. Her mood didn't even drop when Kevin came over and started talking quidditch.

"Hey Allie, Emmy," he said. Maddie put her book down at the sound of his voice but he didn't look over at her, "You ready for our match tomorrow?" He asked, sticking his hands in his pockets and grinning.

"Match?" I asked, setting down my fork, "Tomorrow?"

Kevin nodded.

"Since when!"

"Since this morning," Kevin explained, looking sort of sheepish, "Malfoy's moaning about that hippogriff scratching him and making a big deal of nothing and claims he can't play so we're playing against Gryffindor instead of Slytherin."

"But-" I stammered, "But we're shit!"

"Good," Emmy teased.

"We can't win against them! There's no way! We won't even score one goal! We can't-"

"Better bring your A game, Allie!" Kevin said, interrupting my spiral, "Cause we really, really, really need a win."


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