~ Seventeen ~

137 6 1

"Atlas!" someone shouted from the crowd of photographers, "look this way!"

I turned, raising my chin to look slightly down at the photographer who had called my name. I wasn't smiling tonight; if I was going to be sent home, I might as well be remembered as I go. I wanted to be the picture of confidence and class, and I hoped that these would be the pictures they use in the tabloids when talking about my dismissal. I gave the photographers what they wanted, posing expertly to show off my costume and the gorgeous eye make up that Gemma had worked on for an hour. I was actually dying inside; trying to remember the poses I had practiced in the mirror and hoping I was giving the same effect.

I tried not to over think it, choosing instead to focus on who was beyond the open ballroom doors. Once my turn on the red carpet was over, I would be free to go in and see Ari and Sjin. I was both excited and terrified, every second out here adding to the panic I felt rising in my throat.

I got the signal from one of the many directors running the affair to move on, and I tried to move as quickly as I could while still maintaining a graceful walk. I could see Beckii step up behind me, the gemstones on her bodice sparkling in the flash of the cameras while the feathers on her skirt rippled with the slight breeze coming from the ballroom. Her swan costume was flawless, accentuating her long neck and willowy limbs. She made modeling look so easy and effortless, but of course she must have had years of practice.

I entered the ballroom, momentarily taken aback by the décor. Silky streamers hung from the high ceiling, tables were dressed with autumnal centerpieces that boasted vibrant orange and red flowers, and candles cast everything in a moody, soft glow. I knew now why they had given us a brightly lit red carpet; it would be a lot harder to get clear pictures in here, but I considered that a good thing for me tonight.

My eyes searched the crowd desperately, hoping that the duo would be easy to pick out.

"Atlas!!" I heard a familiar voice call out behind me. I spun around just in time to catch Aristotle as he leapt towards me in a flying hug. I was surprised at how well I was able to stay upright in the high heals I was wearing, catching the both of us before we toppled over each other. I wouldn't have minded though, every thought about my public appearance gone as I wrapped my arms around my little brother.

"Ari," I sighed, squeezing him tight as I squatted to hug him better. Everything about him was dizzyingly familiar, thrusting me back into memories of my old life. "My goodness, Ari," I mumbled over his shoulder, "I missed you so much." I clenched my jaw hard, feeling tears well in my eyes as I squeezed them shut to keep from crying. I didn't trust that the make-up was as waterproof as my maids had promised, and even now I didn't want to mess up hours of work.

"You look beautiful Atlas!" he gushed as we pulled away, our arms lingering around each other.

I looked him up and down, assessing the formal suit that had been custom tailored to fit him. I guessed that the families of the selected weren't part of the group that had to wear costumes, which was a little disappointing; we didn't celebrate Halloween where we came from, but Ari didn't seem to mind.

I took a step back, straightening and lighting touching my head to make sure I hadn't dislodged any of the golden leaves weaved through my hair during the hug. "You're looking pretty smart yourself..." I started as I got a better look at him, but then noticed he had lumps coming out from under his suit. "Ari. . . what. . ."

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at himself, but then his eyes lit up as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "They have oranges here Atlas!" he said excitedly, presenting an orange in each hand to show me, "Lots of them!"

I gave a breathy laugh. "Aristotle, you don't need to-"

A pair of shiny black shoes stepped up behind Ari then, and I looked up to see Sjin had joined us. His hands were hanging awkwardly at his sides as he starred back at me cautiously. I expected to feel guilt and shame when I saw him, but as I watched him give me a lopsided smile and shrug, all I could think about was how much I had missed him. Memories came flooding back, all the ones I had been suppressing since I arrived at the palace.

Atlas (A Selection/Hat Films Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now