~ Forty Nine ~

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I pulled my shoulders back, following the photographer's directions. Looking into the camera, I parted my lips lightly and tilted my chin up, like I had seen in all the magazines in the Women's Room. They weren't getting any smiles from me today, as much as they requested it.

"Good," the photographer said, looking towards one of the assistants, "Can we get the bouquet and veil in?"

I looked around, seeing the other five girls behind the camera, waiting their turn. I think we all felt uncomfortable, knowing three of us were posing in extravagant wedding gowns we would never wear. I found it downright insulting to know these pictures would be used promotionally, and I hated the idea that others would see me like this.

I took the bouquet and turned around, dropping my arm down and reaching my free one across my back. Looking over my shoulder, the photographer called, "Perfect, Atlas. Now drop your head down." I wondered when modeling had become so natural to me.

We waited for Valeera and Fox to take their turns after I had finished. Thankfully, Silver only had a few short announcements about dinner plans and an evening activity that I would end up skipping. I was the first out the door when she had dismissed us.

I hurried ahead of the others, desperate to get this gown off, but I was unlucky as I cut through the hallway that was home to all the conference rooms. They must be having an unmoderated caucus, because all the men in suits were furiously deliberating in small groups and it didn't look like anyone was taking a break.

I stopped at the end of the hall, hoping I could double back and take the long way around, but a few people noticed me before I could slink away. I must have been very visible in the shockingly bright, white dress. I stood paralyzed, wondering if it would be more respectable to run away or walk confidently around them.

I caught sight of the three princes standing reserved from the rest of the group and bowing their heads together as they deliberated. Alex looked confident as he spoke to his brothers, and a small part of me was excited to see what he looked like when he was in full work mode.

Alexandre looked up slowly, finally noticing me when I started to back away. Surprise flashed across his face, but once he recognized me and what I was wearing, his jaw set hard and sadness flooded his eyes. He looked so distraught; it took my breath away. I thought I had been depressed when I saw myself in my closet mirrors, but Alex seemed to absolutely deflate at the sight of me in a wedding gown. I wondered if the princes knew we were forced to do this today.

I tried to give him a small smile and a wave goodbye, hoping I wouldn't disrupt his work as I grabbed a fistful of skirts and started back towards the studio. I thought I had escaped, but then I winced and stiffened as I heard my name being call from the end of the hallway.

I was shocked to see it wasn't Alexandre that had followed me.

Prince Christoph approached me quickly, making me shrink away as I remembered his conversation with Alex this morning. I was worried he had noticed me after all and was about to reprimand me for it. I debated turning on my heals and running away from him all together before he added, "Wait," with such authority that it rooted me where I stood.

"Come with me," he told me stiffly, stopping a few feet away.

I squinted at him suspiciously. "No," I muttered quietly, "Don't you have a meeting to go to?"

"Never mind that," Christoph replied dismissively, "I have something that I think would be of interest to you."

"I don't trust you," I blurted, not disregarding the idea that he might do something to actually hurt me. We didn't talk much, but any interactions we did have were aggressive and combative.

Atlas (A Selection/Hat Films Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now