~ Six ~

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I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth and the feeling that I had done something wrong. 

It wasn't technically cheating on Sjin if I wasn't actually attracted to the prince, and I needed to get a foothold in the selection if I wanted to stay in it, but I still felt guilty. 

I chose a nice, plain pastel pink dress today. It had an airy skirt and complimented my waist nicely; pale tulle strung around my neck and dark pink lace decorated the bodice not unlike my dress from last night. 

Girls were gathered around the couches at the top of the stairs, but neither Beckii nor Valeera had arrived yet, so I had to take a seat slightly reserved from the rest of the girls. It at least gave me a good view of everyone, and I watched a fight nearly break out over two dresses that were too similar; both girls went back to their room to change. 

 I felt displaced from everyone else. Every girl and dress had some kind of sparkle to it, while I faded into the wallpaper. They all looked like princesses, and I was an eight in a nice dress. 

"Good morning Atlas," Valeera said, suddenly plopping down on the chair arm and pulling me out of my thoughts, "You look positively ravishing today." 

"Thanks for the kind words, but I don't feel ravishing," I mumbled, letting my shoulders slouch, "I feel so out of place here. I don't... uh, sparkle, like everyone else."

"Isn't that what you were going for?" she asked, "You stand out because you look so different."

"Not in a good way," I muttered.

"Nonsense," she smiled, waving my comment off, "Everyone loves an underdog. You're here representing over 75% of the population." 

"Yeah, the part of the population the royals hate the most," I defended. 

"Prince Ross seems to have taken an interest in you," she smirked, and I looked up at her shocked. Did she just mean during the tea, or does she know about our date last night?

I opened my mouth to ask her what she meant, but Silver interrupted us right as I was about to speak. "Ladies!" she called, "Is everyone here?" 

There was a chorus of yes', and Silver continued. "Now, I forgave you yesterday because it was your first day, but today we will be having our first lesson on table etiquette. If you would all follow me, I will be taking you to the east dinning room where you will be having all of your formal meals. The king and queen will be joining you for lunch, and during breakfast the princes will be pulling each one of you out for introductions." 

We spent our entire morning listening to Silver as she told us to always use tongs, how to curtsy whenever the royals entered the room (which I would have loved to know yesterday), which forks are used for what, and that a lady never raises her voice. I felt like Silver was watching me the entire time, as if I was the reason this lesson needed to be taught. I looked to the fives around me, but they seemed to be adapting to all these rules and lessons easily. 

My seat was between Toulouse and Saffron, a three and two whom I couldn't start a conversation with if my life depended on it. At one point during breakfast they started talking across me, which only made me set down my fork and shuffle back in my chair uncomfortably. Beckii, a few seats down and across the table from me, was making easy conversation and even politely laughing with those around her, even though I was sure she hadn't met them yet. 

I was one of the last names called to meet the princes, and by this time I was so desperate to get away from all these girls that I nearly knocked my chair backwards. Luckily I had the reflexes to catch it, but it got everyone's attention and a disapproving look from Silver. 

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