~ Twelve ~

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I sat as I always did, my eyes angled down politely at my plate as the girls around me talked in respectful whispers. There wasn't much to talk about besides The Report tonight, the princes had been especially absent all day. 

When the doors opened we all looked up expectantly, but the queen and her daughter were alone. We all stood to curtsy, but the queen only gave a small greeting and then took her seat. I looked around the make sure all the selected were there, but I didn't think the princes would all be out on a date at the same time. Everyone was here. 

As soon as the first course was set out, the king walked in, followed by his three sons. They all wore suits, but they seemed somewhat disheveled. Prince Ross smiled at me as he passed with tired eyes, and I couldn't help noting that Prince Alexandre's hair was a tousled mess that seemed to fall in just the right places. I looked down to hide my blush, his words still ringing in my ears from our fight. 

The king's jaw was set hard, and he kissed his wife with a modest stiffness; he called us to sit, but Prince Alexandre remained standing. With the tension in his father and the prince's shoulders, I knew something big was coming; my only consolation was that Prince Ross' eyes were alight with some kind of passion. 

"Ladies, I have an announcement," Prince Alexandre started. All heads turned down the table, intrigued. 

"I realize you were all promised compensation for your participation as Daughter's of Illea," he said, his voice ringing with an authority he normally only reserved for television or commanding guards. My heart fluttered by the way he talked, my thoughts immediately going to my brother back home, hopefully eating right now. "However, there have been new monetary allocations," he continued, "If you are a natural two or three you will no longer be receiving financing. Fours and below will continue to receive compensation, but it will be slightly less than what it has been so far." 

I felt a pang of rage shoot through me, but I kept my face neutral. I could see some of the other girls were fuming, especially Albany. I fought to roll my eyes at her; I guess when you have a lot of money, you're used to collecting more of it. 

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience ladies, but I will be explaining our reasoning tonight during the Capital Report. If anyone has any issues with the new arrangement and would no longer like to participate, you are welcome to leave after dinner," he said, and then sat and turned to his father on his right. King Corvax seemed more interested in the food before him than what Prince Alexandre was saying. 

My only consolation was that Prince Ross looked ready to explode in happiness. I caught his eye during a lull in their conversation, and he gave me a toothy smile that didn't escape the attention of the people around him. 

There was quiet speculation around me. "I think it's a test," Valeera said from father down the table, "I bet some people are only in it for the money." Anyone that heard her immediately turned to me, and I straightened, daring anyone to suggest anything towards me. I wasn't going to leave just because Ari and Sjin wouldn't be getting as much money, Sjin was very good at stretching money and making it last. They would be able to survive on the checks they have already gotten alone until I could come home and start training and working for an income. 


I felt my heart rise up in my throat as I looked at the clock on my beside table. It was getting awfully close to when I had to leave. Tonight I would be facing Gavril Turps and the rest of the nation on the Illea Capital Report, and I had Luna pose possible questions to me as she did my makeup. Are you enjoying the selection so far? Do you like the castle? Have you been on any dates with the Prince? Have you kissed any of them?

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