~ Three ~

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I took a deep breath, and then another. Sjin stood behind me, guiding my hands when it looked like I was making a mistake. I was pretty good and braiding my own hair without looking, but Sjin knew enough to help me along. I sat on an old rickety chair wearing the white shirt and black pants of the selected; the clothes were nicer that everything I've wore in the past two years combined and the fabric was soft against my rough skin. 

I was allowed to choose my shoes (my nicest boots) and my hair, but I was obligated to wear the providence flower that was delivered to me yesterday. It was a dogwood bloom, something our city's parks were littered with this time of year. I wasn't going to go out and buy new shoes or make up for today, but I did go and clip some buds off a dogwood tree, which I was currently weaving into my braid to add a bit of uniqueness. 

I pulled out a chunk of my bangs to cover my stitches and turned around, waiting for Sjin's approval. "How do I look?" I asked as he took in my full image. 

He snaked his hand behind my neck and the other one found it's way to my waist as he pulled me in for a kiss. "Absolutely beautiful Atlas," he said, daring to show his softer side today. 

I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall. We had 20 minutes before we had to be at the city square, and they were driving us in a limo for security reasons. I hadn't been in a car in a long time, and I can't ever remember riding a train. 

"I guess this is the time for private goodbyes," I shrugged, trying to laugh but ending up just seeming sheepish. I must have been the only selected that was depressed today. 

Sjin grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to him again, this time for a hug. "I'm gonna miss you Atlas, I don't need to rehash the subject, you know what I'm going to say," he muttered over my shoulder, reluctant to let go so soon. 

"I'll be fine. A month or two and I'll be right back here okay?" I said, leaning back so I could look at his face, "Make sure to take care of my brother." 

"What kind of trouble can a 12 year old get into?" he laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm serious Sjin," I said sternly, "He needs to keep doing his homework and he needs to eat right. And no fighting; you have to be disciplined, don't fall for his charm."

"But he's just so cute," he said smuggling, pursing his lips and grabbing my chin with one of his massive hands, "Just like his sister." 

"Get off me, you jerk," I said, but his teasing loosened me up enough to laugh, and I felt a weight come off my chest. I wasn't actually competing for the princes, so why should I be nervous? I'm already a three, if I get sent home today then I'll still be better off. 

Ari came scrambling down the ladder. I had splurged a little with our first check and had bought him a nice outfit for today. He wore a blue button up with khakis, and I had managed to wrestle him into a hair cut last night, because I knew he wouldn't get it cut again until I got home and he was starting to look like a sheep dog. 

"Hey handsome," I winked as he strutted towards us. 

"I love them so much! I look like a five in these!" he exclaimed, "Thank you Atlas!" 

"Hurry up Ari, we have to leave soon," Sjin said as he stopped in front of us. 

The excitement in his eyes dulled and his shoulders dropped at the statement. Sjin walked away to give us some privacy, and I took a knee in front of my brother. "Hey kid," I smiled, feeling the familiar swell in the back of my throat as I swallowed my tears, "You ready for today?" On my knees he was taller than me, so it was hard to hide his face from me; he was upset. 

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