~ Forty Eight ~

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"How come you don't have maids?" I asked from where I sat with my feet dangling off the edge of Alex's bed. I pushed myself up, leaving him still laying in the bed to pad over to the doors to his balcony. It faced the East, and it was a clear day today, so the early light of the morning was filtering through the glass to flood his room and wake us up. I squinted into the winter sun, admiring the courtyard as servants shoveled the small amount of snow we received last night off the walking paths.

"One of the few things my parents were willing to compromise with me," he explained, sitting up, "Maids still come to clean once a week, but they leave most of my personal things alone and I'm allowed to dress myself."

"At least you have some privacy in that respect," I commented quietly, stretching my arms over my head.

"Yeah, it gives me a space to retreat to," he agreed.

"One that isn't quite as exposed to the elements?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder, referencing his spot up on the roof.

Alex shrugged, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "It reminds me that I can still feel something," he muttered casually.

"That's really depressing," I pointed out lightly, turning to the prince. I couldn't keep a smile from creeping across my lips as I laid eyes on him, shirtless and looking bleary from waking up. He still seemed tired, but he wore a charming, sleepy look.

A chuckle escaped his lips, and he gave me a lopsided smile as he slouched forward, making my heart flutter. "You're right," he laughed, "I didn't mean for it to-"

He was interrupted by a knock on his door, and he opened his mouth to ask who it was just as we heard Christoph say "Alex," gruffly from the other side. Alexandre was immediately wide awake, and we shared a panicked look.

I quickly but quietly went for the lock on the balcony door, swinging it open and slipping through it without being prompted. The prince jumped up to greet him, but I stuck my head in to hiss his name. "Alexandre," I whispered, motioning to the marks around his lower neck and collarbone.

"Wha-" he started, drawing his fingers across his neck and stopping when he realized what I was pointing at. His head swiveled around his room before running over to grab the robe hanging off his bathroom door. I rounded the corner, pressing myself against the cold stone to keep out of sight of the windows.

I had to strain to hear what they were saying, but as Christoph stepped further into the room his voice became clearer.

"Is she gone?" I heard him demand.

"Who?" Alex asked, though he didn't even sound convincing to me. When there was no response he continued. "How did you know she was here?" he questioned.

"Our rooms are right next to each other," Christoph snapped, "I heard you."

I swore internally, remembering Alex mention that his brother was a light sleeper. I had thought we were quiet enough, but it must have not been enough to go undetected.

"What do you want?" Alexandre asked roughly, his voice softer. I assumed he was facing away from me, and I backed up against the banister farther in case I was still visible behind him.

"So that's it then?" his brother countered, ignoring the question.

There was a pause. "Back off, Chris," the crowned prince warned lowly.

"Is she really worth it to you?" Christoph exploded, "Enough to break laws? Start an insurrection?"

I winced.

"You don't know what I'm planning. . ." Alex muttered quietly, his words falling off.

"I do know what you're trying to do with Adalene," the other prince said accusingly, "Don't dehumanize her to bribe me. She's a princess Alex, and she used to be your friend."

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