~ Fifty ~

50 6 1

(Part 50? Damn, that's a lot of chapters...)

If I were going to start an insurrection, at least I'd look good doing it.

Even with the heavy, mournful cloud that surrounded me, I was enchanted by the dress my maids had prepared for me. We went Victorian again. This time it was a blonde, half-sleeved ball gown with a stand collar, and it left only my forearms and face exposed. I knew it would be hot once I was under all those stage lights, but I was thankful for the stiff fabric and bodice that made me feel safe and armored.

I couldn't guess how long the detailing had took. Every inch of it was embroidered with swirling patterns and the skirt was adorned with a large, round framed rose that repeated all the way around the bottom pleats. The same rose symbol spread across my chest, surrounded by flowery embroidery. It wasn't unlike the gold patterned walls of my room, and the reminder filled me with a sense of comfort.

I wanted to tell them that they would no longer be my maids after tonight, but I thought it was better they knew as little as possible. I hoped they would be safe with the excuse that they were only associating with me out of duty to the crown.

Alexandre met me outside my room, his face flushing red at the first look at my debate dress. I was flattered and even cracked a smile when he made a light joke about Queen Victoria to break the tension. I took his hand as we started down towards the studio.

"Should we. . . talk about what's going to happen?" he asked after we reached the first set of stairs.

I glanced over at the prince; his expression was grim. "Haven't we talked about it enough?" I countered, stepping closer so our arms touched. He was wearing a smart looking blue suit, tailored to his silhouette perfectly, and he had shaved for the end of the Selection.

"I was kind of hoping for that answer," he muttered, giving a single chuckle, "I can't believe it's finally here."

"I'm already exhausted," I admitted. I thought I would be nervous, but all I felt was a calm resolution. I knew what I had to do, and it wasn't about me anymore. I was a vessel, a speaker, for the Northern Rebels, and I had a duty to Alex and to my country to get this right.

"You can still back out," he told me quickly, stopping in his tracks and pulling my arm with him. My skirt fanned out around me as I turned to look at him. There was a sudden desperation in his eyes. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to, Atlas," he pressed, not letting go of my hand, "You still have time to change this."

"Do you really believe that?" I asked, trying not to sound accusatory. I understood his sentiment, but the last thing I wanted right now was hope that things would all turn out alright.

"It's your choice," he pointed out, looking around quickly to make sure no one was around to hear us, "Once you're up on the stage, you're in control of this."

"I wish I was still as selfish as I was when I arrived here," I joked, smirking, "I might have taken you up on that offer."

Alex paused, looking down at his shoes. "I'm really glad you came here," he admitted, raising his head as his eyebrows furrowed upward, "Thanks for staying so long."

"Are you saying goodbye right now?" I asked quietly.

"I'm worried I won't be able to see you before the closing ceremony," he admitted, but then bit his lip, ". . . though, now that I say it out loud, I don't think an entire army could keep me away from you at this point."

I broke into a smile, filled with warmth hearing such a cheesy line. "I like the attitude," I chuckled, looking down the hallway, "Come on, we should go before we're late."

Atlas (A Selection/Hat Films Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن