~ Fourteen ~

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I couldn't remember the nightmares that kept me up last night, but it meant I woke up late and was slow getting ready. I had to keep stopping to grab fistfuls of skirt because Hannah had dressed me in an A-line lavender dress with quite a few layers, and I was trying to walk as quickly as I could to the women's room. There was a mandatory meeting before brunch today, and I knew Silver would arrive punctually on the dot; she wouldn't reprimand me as long as I was in the door before her. 

I turned the corner and threw open the doors to the women's room. Abruptly all conversation hissed to a stop and I had eighteen pairs of eyes on me as I made my explosive entrance. I reddened, hoping everyone would go back to what they're doing once they realized I wasn't Silver.

However, everyone continued to stare as I walked over to join Beckii and Sylvannas on the cream colored couches. I noticed everyone had magazines in their hands or surrounding them on the tables and I quickly snatched up the closest one, not even needing to open it to be shocked. 

There I was on the cover in the photos we had taken a couple weeks ago. Ross and I were on the left, a candid photo of us laughing and holding hands as we made our transition between stages. On the right was a photo of Prince Alexandre and I, our hands just connecting as I stepped up to him. Though I couldn't place what was going on between us, it's clear that there was complex emotions apparent on both of our faces. Over the photos were a bunch of tacky question marks, and the sentence at the bottom read "Atlas is not just stealing the hearts of the masses." 

I flipped through with shaking hands, finding the parts about me. They mentioned that after the report's special, my standing in the public's ranks had shot up in every poll. There was speculation of what I was doing with the princes, mentioning my many dates with Ross and how often Prince Alexandre and I were absent together or seen leaving together. 

I looked up, seeing that all the girls were waiting for my reaction. "You can't believe this is all true?" I exclaimed, "Don't you get it? They're just trying to create drama!" I suddenly felt like it was me against them, and I wanted to run out of the room but I knew that would only add to their suspicion. 

Albany stood up and I groaned internally. "So not only are you stealing Prince Ross from us, but now you're after Prince Alexandre too?" she accused, "Can't you be a little less selfish Atlas?"

"Bullshit," I shot back, and Beckii stood up beside me, grabbing my hand to keep me from doing something too aggressive. "You know as well as I do that Prince Alexandre detests me. I'm not a threat to any of you." 

Albany snorted. "Well duh," she drawled, looking me up and down. 

"You do seem to spend a lot of time with the princes," Saffron said from her place by the window, and there were a couple whispers of agreement that passed around the room. 

"What do you even do with them?" Anouk asked, and I felt disappointment when I realized she wasn't on my side in this. 

"I don't do anything with Prince Alexandre," I said matter-of-factually, "and Prince Ross and I go on dates just like all of you do. I don't need to tell you what we do together to convince you that my intentions aren't malicious. I mean, this is a competition..." I winced as I said it; I didn't want them to see me as an opponent. 

"Have you kissed either of them?" Albany asked suddenly. I knew it was on everyone's mind, and they seemed like they were holding their breath in anticipation.

I looked around, but as I was about to open my mouth Fox interjected into the conversation. "Ross kissed me on our date last night," she added quietly.

I felt my heart sink at that, and it worried me. I wasn't going to be queen, so it was unfair of me to feel jealous or possessive. I couldn't help but feel hurt that she said his name so informally; I had thought I was the closest with Ross after everything that we've been through, but I was suddenly reminded that he was making his way through the girls and as the selection goes on he will get closer with more of them. 

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