~ Eleven ~

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"Lady Atlas," Silver said shrilly, waking me from my thoughts, "Sit up straight, you are a lady, even during lessons." I mumbled a quick apology and took my head out of my hands, blinking hard to wake myself up. If there was one scholarly subject I knew, it was history. My father taught history before he died, and my mother and I were always hearing about his latest class or research or new finding in the archives. I didn't need much to recall everything he had taught me. 

I thought about those dusty, old archives. How many years had I spent running around those old bookshelves when my father was up late working? The university kept it under lock and key, but my father was such an important person that he was allowed 24 hour access. I probably wasn't technically allowed to be in there, but I didn't really understand the language in the books unless my father explained it anyway, so I was pretty harmless. 

I did, however, remember the few occasions where he let me take books out of the archive under strict rules not to tell anyone. I assumed it was the borrowing of books that was against the rules, but the more I thought about it, the more I was starting to think that the information in those books was more worthy of rule breaking. The most I remember from those books were the way holidays used to be celebrated and how they governed themselves through a democratic republic before China's invasion. 

Although this was a lesson, it felt more like a test, and I was sure the princes would be notified of who did well and who did poorly. "Lady Atlas, who was the president of the United States during the Chinese invasion?" she asked, probably giving me an easy question because she wanted to take pity on me for my status. 

"Wallis," I said quickly, gaining her approval. 

"Correct. President Wallis was commander in chief during the Third World War. And what was China's motive for invading?" 

Albany raised her hand and made sure to look around smugly when she was called on before answering the question. "Money. The US had debts to them they could not pay," she said, gaining a glimmering smile from Silver. I had no idea how she managed to wrap people around her finger like that. 

"Excellent! Now, can anyone tell me what they renamed the country after they were successful?"   

Beckii next to me raised her hand. "The American State of China," she said, and I turned to give her a small smile. 

"Yes. China made it seem like they had pulled out of the country, but they continued to influence those in power to make decisions and write legislature in their favor. Because of tax loopholes, almost all labor was shipped out overseas, therefore benefiting China's working class while expanding the ASC's lower class." Silver explained to the confused faces of the girls around me. I had thought that this part was common knowledge. 

"Does anyone have anything else to add?" Silver continued after letting that settle.

Saffron piped up. "The invasion prompted several European countries to align themselves together." 

"Exactly," Silver nodded, "Now the ASC planned to fight back against China, but they were facing another invasion. Which country tried to occupy the ASC next?" 

Almost everyone's hand went up this time. Anouk was called on and said in a very polite voice, "Russia". 

"That is correct. However, all of North America banded together to fight against the Russians because it was clear they would stop at the ASC. Now, who headed the attack against Russia?" Silver asked.

"Gregory Illea!" someone said without being called on, and a few of the girls even clapped. Silver tried to pinpoint where the eruption had come from, but couldn't decide who had said it. 

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